both relative to “Out” members. The largest latent class was made up of members of the “Out” class, an enlightening revision of a population traditionally viewed as largely closeted men. Two types of “closeted” classes emerged, distinguished by divergent tendencies...
Doing Economics: Measuring Climate Change from University of London International Programmes Fondamentaux de la science des données from Université de Montréal Measuring Total Data Quality from University of Michigan The Total Data Quality Framework from University of Michigan Big Data Technology Capstone ...
Daly engineering, computer sciences, economics, business, finance, marketing, information systems, mathematics, translation and interpreting, Kazakh language and literature. Here too, instruction is in English.56 The Kazakh-American University was founded in 1997. KAU is the first university in ...
Using panel data from 2012 to 2019, this chapter will conduct an empirical analysis of the factors influencing the agglomeration of the creative class in the central cities of the Yangtze River Delta. First, the analysis will explore the impact of various factors on the agglomeration of the ...
We can consider ( − Δ ) A s as a fractional counterpart of the magnetic Laplacian ( ∇ − i A ) 2 , with A : R N → R N , being a L l o c ∞ - vector potential; see Chapter 7 of [1]. For further details about this kind of operator, see [2,3,4,5,6] and ...