10. In class, the students were given a hands-on activity to learn about the properties of different types of soil. have class造句 have class 造句 1. I have class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am. 2. She has class in the afternoon, so she likes to study in the morning....
In ancient China, there were two main types of human sacrifices. 人殉 (renxun, sacrificial human companion) is essentially a type of grave good that ensures the burial owner can continue to enjoy services after death, while 人牲 (rensheng, sacrificial human offering) represents an offering for...
When we analyze pedodiversity within an area, we are measuring how much variability thereis in soil properties and how many different types of soil there are in a particular area . 我们分析某个地区的土壤多样性时,我们会测量土壤性质有多少可变性,及在某个地区内有多少种不同的土壤类型。 So we lo...
To solve the problem of insufficient waste disposal facilities and environmental problems by recycling and processing all construction generated soil containing a fourth class construction generated soil as roadbed materials of roads, etc., since the fourth class construction generated soil generated from ...
Polygons—A set of many-sided area features that represents the shape and location of homogeneous feature types such as states, counties, parcels, soil types, and land-use zones. Annotation—Map text including properties for how the text is rendered. For example, in addition to the text strin...
annual crops (e.g. soybean, maize), perennial crops (e.g. coffee), bare ground, rocky outcrops, and wetlands. The definitions of the criteria may vary according to the types of LULC classes. Generally, we considered everything that does not fit into the other two classes asOther land ...
Can soil phytolith analysis and charcoal be used as indicators of historic fire in the pinyon-juniper and sagebrush steppe ecosystem types of the Great Bas... Wildland fire intensity and area are increasing across the Intermountain West, USA, in a variety of ecosystem types including the pinyon-...
A field lysimeter experiment was conducted over a 406 day period to determine the effect of different soil types on the fate of synthetic urinary nitrogen (N). Soil types included a sandy loam, silty loam, clay and peat. Synthetic urine was applied at 1000 kg N ha-1, during a winter se...
GRAM-negative bacteria are known to produce two types of surface organelles: flagella, which are required for motility and chemotaxis, and pili (fimbriae), which play a part in the interaction of bacteria with other bacteria and with eukaryotic host cells. Here we report a third class of E....
Get the type property: Type of activity. Overrides: ValidationActivity.type() Returns: the type value.validate public void validate() Validates the instance. Overrides: ValidationActivity.validate() withChildItems public ValidationActivity withChildItems(Object childItems) Set the childItems property:...