√ BS476-7标准名称 BS476-7: Fire tests on building materials and structures-Part 7 method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of flame of products.BS476-7: 对建筑材料和结构的着火试验-第7部分:产品火焰表面延伸等级确定的测试方法。√ BS476-7适用范围 墙面材料暴露表面...
√ BS476-7标准名称 BS476-7: Fire tests on building materials and structures-Part 7 method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of flame of products. BS476-7: 对建筑材料和结构的着火试验-第7部分:产品火焰表面延伸等级确定的测试方法。 √ BS476-7适用范围 墙面材料暴露表...
标准概述:I89-I27O-6O73 全称:BS 476-7: Fire Tests on Building materials and structures – Method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of flame of products。 目的:测定建筑材料在垂直方向上的火焰表面蔓延速度和程度,以确定其防火等级。 测试方法 测试环境:在特制的燃烧箱内...
BS476-7:1997 Fire tests on building materials and structures-Part 7 method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of flame of products. BS476-7:1997 对建筑材料和结构的着火试验-第7部分:产品火焰表面延伸等级确定的测试方法。 BS476-7防火阻燃等级测试方法 测试方法是在燃烧箱内...
BS476-7: Fire tests on building materials and structures-Part 7 method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of flame of products. BS476-7: 对建筑材料和结构的着火试验-第7部分:产品火焰表面延伸等级确定的测试方法。
BS476-7: Method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of flame of products BS 476-7 建筑防火标准-- 样品规格: 应提供9个测试样件,且测试样件应可代表此类产品的外露表面。 测试样件应为885mmx270mm的矩形,且厚度不大于 50mm。
BS476-7: Method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of flame of products BS 476-7 建筑防火标准-- 样品规格: 应提供9个测试样件,且测试样件应可代表此类产品的外露表面。 测试样件应为885mmx270mm的矩形,且厚度不大于 50mm。
BS 476-7:1997+AC:2014Fire tests on building materials and structures-Part 7 method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of flame of products. BS 476-7:1997+AC:2014建筑材料和结构对火反应测试-第7部分:产品火表面火焰传播速度分级方法 ...
BS476-7: Method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of flame of products BS 476-7建筑防火标准--样品规格: 应提供9个测试样件,且测试样件应可代表此类产品的外露表面。 测试样件应为885mmx270mm的矩形,且厚度不大于 50mm。
BS476-7: Fire Tests on Building materials and structures-Method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of flame of productsBS476-7: 建筑材料和建筑构件阻燃防火测试-产品火焰表面燃烧的等级测定 建筑材料Class 0 or Class 1 –Certifire防火认证-标准等级判定:BS 476 标准Class 0...