ClashX Pro Download 懒人配置参考! config.yaml 远程引用分流规则 # 代理组策略 proxy-groups: # 策略组说明 #「Proxy」是代理规则策略,它可以指定为某个节点或嵌套一个其他策略组,如:「url-test」(自动测试)、「Fallback」或「load-balance」(负载均衡)的策略组 - { name: "MATCH", type: select, proxies...
以下配置中,除了DIRECT和REJECT是默认存在于 Clash 中的 policy(路由策略/流量处理策略),其余均为自定义 policy,对应配置文件中proxies或proxy-groups中的name。如你直接使用下面的rules规则,则需要在proxies或proxy-groups中手动配置一个name为PROXY的 policy。
ClashX Pro provides a clean user interface, enabling users to easily view proxy modes (such as global mode, rule-based mode, or direct connection mode) and supports custom rules and policy groups.新内容 版本记录 版本3.0 Bug fixes and improvements.App 隐私 查看详情 开发者“君许”已表明...
sudo launchctl enable system/com.west2online.clashxpro.proxyconfighelper这个命令用于启用一个名为com.west2online.clashxpro.proxyconfighelper的Launch Daemon服务。在macOS系统中,Launch Daemons是系统级别的守护进程,它们在系统启动时自动运行,不需要用户登录。此命令通常用于确保某个服务在系统启动时自动加载和运行。
clash-rules:🦄️ 🎃 👻 Clash Premium 规则集(RULE-SET),兼容 ClashX Pro、Clash for Windows 等基于 Clash Premium 内核的客户端。 客户端名称支持系统最后更新时间 V2RayNWindows2024 V2RayWWindows2019 v2rayNGAndroid2022 V2Ray-DesktopWindows、MacOS、Linux2022 ...
Clash X for Mac 自用稳定分流规则、参考配置. Contribute to y996/ClashX-Pro development by creating an account on GitHub.
proxy['name'] = proxy['name'] + f'_{i}@{j}' proxies.append(proxy) node_names: List[str] = list(map(lambda n: n['name'], proxies)) config_template['proxies'] = proxies for grp in config_template['proxy-groups']: if 'xxx' in grp['proxies']: grp['proxies'].remove(...
HTTP/HTTPS and SOCKS proxy Surge like configuration GeoIP rule support Install You can download from release page Config You can use config generator in Status Bar Menu "Config" section. Config support most of surge rules. ClashX has upgrade to using .yml formate config file, Checking Github ...
(checkForUpdateMenuItem) // install proxy helper _ = ClashResourceManager.check() PrivilegedHelperManager.shared.checkInstall() ConfigFileManager.copySampleConfigIfNeed() PFMoveToApplicationsFolderIfNecessary() // claer not existed selected model removeUnExistProxyGroups() // clash logger if ApiReq...
@@ -181,13 +181,20 @@ func convertProxies(proxies []C.Proxy, uiSubtitlePattern *regexp2.Regexp) []*Pro } } } testURL := "" for k := range p.ExtraDelayHistories() { if len(k) > 0 { testURL = k break } } result = append(result, &...