兄台,麻烦您有空的时候详细说说如何不选用与Docker host相同的网络,我实在没弄出来。在use-hosts那里...
use-hosts:true 如果提示yml文件未关联,就自己去找到配置文件用文本编辑器打开就行,Clash for Windows的配置一般在%USERPROFILE%\.config\clash\profiles下面,复制该路径直接粘贴打资源管理器地址栏可直达。 %USERPROFILE%是系统变量,表示用户目录,如登录的用户名为xyz,那么这个路径一般就表示C:\Users\xyz\。 修改完...
dns:enable:trueipv6:falsedefault-nameserver:[,]enhanced-mode:fake-ip fake-ip-range:['https://doh.pub/dns-query','https://dns.alidns.com/dns-query']fallback:['https://doh.dns.sb/dns-query','https://dns.cloudflare.com/dns-que...
use-hosts: true nameserver: https://doh.pub/dns-query https://dns.alidns.com/dns-query fallback: tls:// tls:// fallback-filter: geoip: true ipcidr: fake-ip-filter: ...
use-hosts: true enable: true ipv6: false enhanced-mode: redir-host listen: nameserver: - - fallback: - https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query - https://dns.google/dns-query - ...
5、修改hosts配置文件: 6、关闭selinux: 7、关闭防火墙: 8、关闭swap: 9、设置iptables网桥: 10、软件k8s/docker/dashboard版本: 11、安装docker环境: (1)在线安装docker: ① 卸载旧版本docker: ② 安装依赖: ③ 配置存储仓库: ④ 安装docker: (2)离线rpm安装docker: ...
Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts, providing container-centric infrastructure. Kubernetes是一个开放源代码平台,用于跨主机群集自动执行应用程序容器的部署,扩展和操作,从而提供以容器为中心的基础架构。
Gor Mahia secretary general Ben Omondi said on Tuesday that their Tanzanian opponents may be reading mischief from the hosts, who returned from the regional CECAFA Club Championships in Dar es Salaam over the weekend and refused to use facilities set aside by Tanzanian hosts, which they believe...
在Clash中设置hosts可以通过编辑其配置文件来实现。以下是详细的步骤和示例代码: 1. 找到并编辑Clash的配置文件 Clash的配置文件通常名为config.yml。你需要找到这个文件并使用文本编辑器打开它。 2. 添加hosts设置 在配置文件中,找到或添加hosts部分,并按照如下格式添加你需要的hosts条目: yaml dns: use-hosts: true...
redir-host # or fake-ip fake-ip-range: # Fake IP addresses pool CIDR use-hosts: true # lookup hosts and return IP record Hostnames in this list will not be resolved with fake IPs i.e. questions to these domain names will always be answered with their real IP addresses...