”(p.36.)“在新的世界中,冲突的根源将是文化的而非意识形态的和经济的。民族国家虽然始终是世界事务中最有力的角色,但全球政治的主要冲突将出现在不同文明的国家和集团之间。”(“The Clash of Civilizations?”, p.22.)第二,亨廷顿不了解权力的重要性,只是一味凸显文化吗?
书的英文名字叫The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order。这才是完整的意思呀!中文为啥只有一半的名字。 断断续续的终于读完了。读得第二本亨廷顿的书,一两年前读过《美国政治》。 我是在b站看王德峰的视频时候,他提到了这本书,当时他大概说这本... (展开) 4 0回应 Narsil...
傅辰Foo/Sen毕业于哥伦比亚大学Teachers College的私立学校领导力硕士项目(Private School Leadership)。清华附中清澜山学校住宿部学术总负责人。原北京新东方学校,北美研究生部教师管理板块负责人,全科教师招聘负责人;教研范围横跨AP, IB, GRE, TOFEL, SAT, SSAT,对不
clash of civilizations基本解释 文明冲突;文明冲突论 分词解释 clash发出撞击声vi. 争论 civilizations文明( civilization的名词复数 ) 猜你喜欢 clash of clans部落冲突 clash of kings诸王纷争 clash of the titans诸神之战 clash royale《皇室战争》(游戏名) galactic civilizations iii clash for windows窗户碰撞 ...
The Clash of Civilizations? Reconsidered: An Objective Prediction or a Subjective Support?《文明的冲突?》再反思——一种客观预测还是一种主观倡导?文明冲突文明体系文化保守主义美国学者亨廷顿于1993年发表的《文明的冲突?》曾经在国际学术界引起轩然大波,许多华人学者也对亨氏的观点进行了回应.但由于人们在讨论这个...
...明确指出,他在阿尔及利亚服兵役期间所见和所经历的“文明冲突”(clash of civilizations) 成为他日后从事研究的激励因素。 www.sachina.edu.cn|基于33个网页 2. 文明的冲突 关键词200(文学与批评研究的通用词汇编)-博库网 ... civil society 市民社会clash of civilizations文明的冲突class 阶级 ... ...
Conflict between civilizations will be the latest phase of the evolution of conflict in the modern world. For a century and a half after the emergence of the modern international system of the Peace of Westphalia, the conflicts of the Western world were largely among princes -- emperors, absolu...
3. Why does Huntington think that the civilizations will clash? And what’s your view of this? 4. Can you “buy” his ideas about the category of “the West versus East”? 5. Do you agree with him on the point of “The confucian-Islamic connection”? 6. What’s your view of “...
SAMUELP.HUNTINGTONistheEatonProfessoroftheScienceofGovernmentandDirectoroftheJohnM.OlinInstituteforStrategicStudiesatHarvardUniversity.ThisarticleistheproductoftheOlinInstitute'sprojecton"TheChangingSecurityEnvironmentandAmericanNationalInterests." Sections: I.THENEXTPATTERNOFCONFLICT II.THENATUREOFCIVILIZATIONS III.WHY...
内容提示: The Clash of Civilizations The Clash of Civilizations is a theory, proposed by political scientist Samuel P. Huntington, that people's cultural and religious identities will be the primary source of conflict in the post-Cold War world. The theory was originally formulated in a 1992 ...