If not otherwise specified, Clash by default reads the configuration file at$HOME/.config/clash/config.yaml. If it doesn’t exist, Clash will generate the default settings. You can use command-line option-dto specify a configuration directory: $ clash -d . # current directory $ clash -d /...
@@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ git clone https://ghgo.xyz/https://github.com/nelvko/clash-for-linux-install.git ```bash $ clash Usage: 开启代理 clashon 关闭代理 clashoff 面板地址 clashui 更新订阅 clashupdate [--auto] [url] 设置密钥 clashsecret [secret] Tun模式 clashtun [on|off] Mi...
git clone https://ghp.ci/https://github.com/nelvko/clash-for-linux-install.git && cd clash-for-linux-install && sudo bash -c '. install.sh; exec bash' ``` - 上述脚本已使用[代理加速下载](https://ghp.ci/),如失效请自行更换 - 上述脚本已使用[代理加速下载](https://ghp.ci/),如失...
gcloud is a command-line tool for managing resources on Google Cloud Platform and is provided as part of Google Cloud SDK. To install, download the latest version here and extract it to your local system. Ensure that you have Python 2.7 installed. gcloud是用于管理Google Cloud Platform上资源的...
There have been other instances of this kind of censorship. In November last year, the source code for the youtube-dl script, which can be used to download YouTube videos from the command-line, wastaken downby GitHub after a complaint from the Recording Industry Association of America...
Advertisement ::DEVELOPER Richardson Lab :: SCREENSHOTS Command Line :: REQUIREMENTS Unix / Linux Probe Cluster :: DOWNLOAD ClashList :: MORE INFORMATION ClashList is free software available under the terms of its ownBSD-style license.
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TUN mode on macOS, Linux and Windows. Doc Match your tunnel by Script Rule Provider Getting Started You can either grab the pre-built binaries of Clash from https://github.com/Dreamacro/clash/releases or build locally. Clash requires Golang 1.17 or a higher version. ...
version "1.3.1" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@tauri-apps/cli-linux-arm64-musl/-/cli-linux-arm64-musl-1.3.1.tgz#49354349f80f879ffc6950c0c03c0aea1395efa5" integrity sha512-tA0JdDLPFaj42UDIVcF2t8V0tSha40rppcmAR/MfQpTCxih6399iMjwihz9kZE1n4b5O4KTq9GliYo50a8zYlQ== "...
set SO_REUSEADDR for UDP listeners on linux (#630) dns tcp-tls inject correctly sni (#638) API auth bypass redir-host should lookup hosts dns return empty success for AAAA & recursion in fake ip mode (#663) use domain first on direct dial (#672)相关...