1、软件设置开机自启 2、开启服务模式 3、电脑重启开机后,打开cvr,发现服务模式是灰色的 4、重启软件后服务模式恢复 操作系统 / OS Windows 操作系统版本 / OS Version win11 日志/ Log NONE 建议检查服务和启动项,我昨天出现了“服务模式”变灰的情况,关闭防火墙后恢复 建议检查服务和启动项,我昨天出现了“服务...
1. 点击General中Service Mode右边Manage,在打开窗口中安装服务模式,安装完成应用会自动重启,Service Mode 右边地球图标变为绿色即安装成功。 2. 点击General中TUN Mode右边开关启动 TUN 模式。 TAP模式简略步骤 1. 点击General页面中TAP Device选项的Manage按钮,在弹出对话框中选择Install将会安装 TAP 网卡,此网卡用于...
利用WinSw在Windows上创建clashmeta核心运行服务. Contribute to Evkva/Clash-Core-Service-Windows development by creating an account on GitHub.
plans to ship the first service pack for Windows 2003 on March 28. The release will build on the results of the company's Trust-worthy Computing initiative and will include many of the security enhancements in the Windows XP SP2 desktop operating system, which Microsoft made available last ...
Source:https://github.com/kogekiplay/Clash-Core-Service-Windows Demo: 下载链接:https://github.com/kogekiplay/ClashMetaForWindows_Mini/releases 利用WinSw创建系统服务并自动启动,需要保证tun模式打开 如果报错,请安装curl 首先执行git clone --recursive https://github.com/kogekiplay/Clash-Core-Service-Windo...
<service> <startmode>Automatic</startmode> <id>Clash.Meta</id> <name>Clash.Meta Core Service</name> <description>运行Clash Meta核心</description> <executable>%BASE%\clash.exe</executable> <arguments>-d .\resources\ -f .\config.yaml</arguments> <log mode="roll-by-time"> <pattern>yyyyMMdd...
Evkva / Clash-Core-Service-Windows Public forked from kogekiplay/Clash-Core-Service-Windows Notifications Fork 0 Star 0 Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Evkva/Clash-Core-Service-Windows projects Search all projects Search results No open projects ...
"clash-verge-service.exe", "install-service.exe", "uninstall-service.exe", ]; // copy the resource file // if the source file is newer than the destination file, copy it over for file in file_list.iter() { let src_path = res_dir.join(file); let dest_path = service_dir.join(...
("{SERVICE_URL}/stop_service"); let res = reqwest::Client::new() .post(url) .send() .await? .json::<JsonResponse>() .await .context("failed to connect to the Clash Verge Service")?; if res.code != 0 { bail!(res.msg); } Ok(()) } /// check the windows service...
利用WinSw在Windows上创建clashmeta核心运行服务. Contribute to Evkva/Clash-Core-Service-Windows development by creating an account on GitHub.