错误的解决办法。 Clash 是一款用 Go 开发的支持 Linux/MacOS/Windows 等多平台的代理工具,支持 ss/v2ray/snell(不支持ssr),支持规则分流(类似于 Surge 的配置),功能非常强大。 最近在一台新的电脑上安装好 Clash for Windows 后提示:Could not switch to this profile!错误。 出现这个错误的原因是订阅链接不...
针对您遇到的“clash could not switch to this profile”问题,以下是一些详细的排查和解决步骤,由于此问题主要涉及到配置和应用的运行状态,我将分点进行说明,不涉及具体的代码片段(因为这不是一个直接通过代码解决的问题): 确认Clash应用及版本信息: 确保您安装的Clash是最新版本,因为旧版本可能存在已知的bug或不...
(2024.3.18补充:随着时间的推移,Vless和Hysteria2这种曾经的非主流协议已经慢慢变成直连机场的主流协议,所以个人强烈不建议再继续使用Clash for Windows这个客户端了。当然,如果你只使用中转机场,且喜欢这个客户端,那么继续使用也无妨)至于杂七杂八的功能,除了 iOS 用户,不必过于在意,因为基本只有 iOS 上的代理软件可...
请问给位大佬们,自从用了cfw(clash for windows)后,电脑env里的http_proxy,https_proxy等都有值,导致终端中apt update提示无法连接127.0.0.1:7980。使用unset http_proxy等把这些代理删除后就可以用了,但是每次重启或者使用新的终端就还得继续unset才能联网,按照网上说的删除/env/enviroment里的代理可以永久删除,但是...
title:"ClashRfor Windows", type:"error", message:"Could not switch to this profile!", detail:i.message||"", Expand DownExpand Up@@ -17753,7 +17753,8 @@ module.exports = function(e) },[n("div", { staticClass:"title" },[e._v("Advertisement")]),e._v(" "),n("div", ...
He had presently disappeared as suddenly as he had come, but he had left me a companion, a radiant reverberant name; and for some little space the name of Shelley clashed silvery music among the hills. View in context Weller deposited a little key on the table and subsided, the warming ...
I can't guarantee it will work for everybody. The most common or various issues if the cheat(s) doesn't work or activates is because the outdated or update game/table version or compatibility gaming platforms like Steam, Non-Steam, GOG, Epic, Windows Store/Gamepass, Cheat Engine versions...
In contrast to the Switch, the MSI Claw is essentially a Windows gaming computer in handheld form. It runs a specialized version of Windows 11 Home, to be precise, allowing for broad support for PC games. The MSI App Player also allows the Claw to play many Android games. That's probabl...
It should just not be the only such facilitator on that operating system for services like Spotify. vipergts2207 said: Deserves is a strange way to put it. Do they deserve a cut for applications installed on macOS? Does MS deserve a cut for Windows applications? Whether they...
Sorry for that, you can tell us your account information through e-mail cs4funplay@gmail.com, help us to fix the bug more Percy Fieldsten , 08/11/2019 Great! Fun game, good graphics (set to high). Funplay Studios, it can be better if you make the windows of helicopters transpare...