Clash for Windows:Windows 系统最流行的翻墙代理客户端,官方不支持中文界面,简写为 CFW 。目前项目已停止更新,建议下载 Clash Verge。 Clash for Mac:Mac 上最流行的 Clash 客户端名为 ClashX。目前项目已停止更新,建议下载 Clash Verge。 Clash for Android:在安卓系统上,Clash 和 Surfboard 是最适合机场用户使用...
clash 是一个基于规则的跨平台代理软件核心程序,支持 v2ray、Shadowsocks、trojan、Snell、http 等多种协议。但它是一个纯命令行工具,普遍同用户使用有一定门槛。 2、Clash for windows Clash for Windows 是目前在 Windows 上非常优秀的图形化 Clash 分支。通过 Clash API 来配置和控制 Clash 核心程序,大大降低了...
Clash for Windows下载地址: Clash for Windows使用教程: ClashX (停更) ClashX下载地址: ClashX使用教程: ...
Clash of Clans for PC is an online multiplayer game which was developed and published by the game developer Supercell. First, this game was developed for the IOS platform and later it was published for the Android platform in October. In this game, players have to build their own village us...
Hello Pal, Are you trying to use Clash of Clans for PC Download without BlueStacks software in Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, or Windows 7, XP/Mac 32-bit/64-bit
- 所有节点的Provider(不是都可以用):https://{{ .domain }}/clash/proxies?type=all - 更新方法: - - Clash for Windows: 更新配置文件即可 - ClashX: Dashboard中,点击每个策略组右上角的刷新图标 - ClashXPro: Config → Update External Sources - - - - ...
APK Status Not for your OS.Looking for Windows version? Free APK Downloadfor Android Install from Google Play The APK download button containsClash of Clans APK 16.517.22 Alternatives toClash of Clans Mobile Strike Become a war hero legend ...
slashforandroid如何操作 clashforandroid配置教程简书 Calabash-Android For windows 环境搭建说明 Support: Calabash-Android github: Ruby Api:
Clash是一款支持Windows、macOS、Android等多平台的代理软件,支持ss/v2ray/Trojan等,类Surge配置,macOS/Windows/Android上都已经有了图形界面,且召唤师已经支持ss/v2ray/Trojan的Clash订阅,使用起来已经非常简单,十分推荐使用。 之前我安利过Clash For Android 也就是CFA 但是受 Clash For Windows 删库事件影响,也删除...
Step 1: Download the YouWave Emulator from here. Once you have downloaded this file in your windows PC, install it and launch the application. Step 2: You need .apk file to install the Clash of Clans in your PC. So you can Google “ Download Clash of Clans .apk file” and download...