Import a profile URL Scheme clash://install-config?url=<encoded URI> or clashmeta://install-config?url=<encoded URI> Contribution and Project Maintenance Meta Kernel CMFA uses the kernel from android-real branch under MetaCubeX/Clash.Meta, which is a merge of the main Alpha branch and and...
错误的解决办法。 Clash是一款用Go开发的支持Linux/MacOS/Windows等多平台的代理工具,支持ss/v2ray/snell(不支持ssr),支持规则分流(类似于 Surge 的配置),功能非常强大。 最近在一台新的电脑上安装好Clash for Windows后提示:Could notswitchto thisprofile!错误。 出现这个错误的原因是订阅链接不是有效的Clash订阅...
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e.g. > > P.S. equals to and hosts:’: dev’: ‘’: ‘::1’ profile: Store theselectresults in $HOME/.config/clash/.cache set false If you don’t want this beh...
‘’: ‘.dev’: ‘’: ‘::1’ profile: Store theselectresults in $HOME/.config/clash/.cache set false If you don’t want this behavior when two different configurations have groups with the same name, the selected values are shared store-se...
All this and more only with this app, where you can also see the statistics of other players ... If you know your tag, you know until the deck uses more usually. Plus you can copy the deck from anyone easily into your Clash Royale profile. ...
This is especially notable when high-profile industry influencers like Anna Wintour and others are calling for "a sense of clarity, a sense leveling off and a sense of reality." But there was no evidence of this advice being heeded at last night's uber-fiesta which drew hordes of...
iOS 9+ >= "Settings" >> "General Settings" >> "Device Management" >> "Profile" click on "Trust". After trusting the app, simply navigate to the home screen of your iDevice to launch the Clash of Kings app. Download Clash of Kings Apk For Android devices from the below link Download...
1./etc/profile 用来设置系统环境参数,比如$PATH. 这里面的环境变量是对系统内所有用户生效的。 2./etc/bashrc 这个文件设置系统bash shell相关的东西,对系统内所有用户生效。只要用户运行bash命令,那么这里面的东西就在起作用。 3.~/.bash_profile 用来设置一些环境变量,功能和/etc/profile 类似,但是这个是针对用...
I can add the first domain to the iOS Outlook client no problem, but, when I try to addmartin@dominion.businessI get the error message "Your admin wants the apps on this device to managed with the account ''. The app account you are using 'martin@dom...