[2023-12-15 14:56:13][WARNING] [TCP] dial 🎯 全球直连 (match GeoIP/CN) --> error: connect failed: dial tcp connect: connection refused | connect failed: no ip address [2023-12-15 14:56:14][WARNING] [TCP] dial 🎯 全...
• edited 2020-11-22 09:32:23 level=warning msg="dial DIRECT error: dial tcp4 i/o timeout" 2020-11-22 09:32:20 level=warning msg="dial DIRECT error: dial tcp4 connect: connection refused" 2020-11-22 09:32:20 level=warning msg="dial DI...
socks-port: 7891 Transparent proxy server port for Linux and macOS (Redirect TCP and TProxy UDP) redir-port: 7892 Transparent proxy server port for Linux (TProxy TCP and TProxy UDP) tproxy-port: 7893 HTTP(S) and SOCKS4(A)/SOCKS5 server on the same port mixed-port: 7890 authentication of...
–localhost.ptlogin2.qq.com Supports UDP, TCP, DoT, DoH. You can specify the port to connect to. All DNS questions are sent directly to the nameserver, without proxies involved. Clash answers the DNS question with the first result gathered. nameserver: – # default value –8.8...
2022-05-10 13:44:30 level=warning msg="[TCP] dial Proxy (match DomainKeyword/gmail) to imap.gmail.com:585 error: <my_proxy_node>:443 connect error: context deadline exceeded" 此时我的代理节点仍然可以ping通,443端口也可以建立连接,我切换到另一个不用openclash的普通路由器(连着另一个ISP的宽...
time="2020-09-19T23:56:24+08:00" level=warning msg="dial 🇨🇳Domestic error: dial tcp4 i/o timeout" time="2020-09-19T23:56:26+08:00" level=warning msg="dial 🇨🇳Domestic error: dial tcp4 i/o timeout" ...
[TCP] dial failed error=all DNS requests failed, first error: dns: bad rdata proxy=DIRECT lAddr= rAddr=mtalk.google.com:5228 rule=Domain rulePayload=mtalk.google.com 16:58:27 INF [TCP] connected lAddr= rAddr=connect.rom.miui.com:443 mode=rule rule=Dst...
[TCP] dial DIRECT (match DomainKeyword/baidu) --> cstm.baidu.com:443 error: connect failed: dial tcp i/o timeout connect failed: dial tcp [240e:979:e03:1073:0:ff:b052:b66a]:443: connectex: A socket operation was attempted to an un...
看了内核日志,发现qbittorrent在下载资源的时候,内核日志出现大量类似如下无法连接的warning日志 open-v6.demonoid.ch:6969 error: dns resolve failed: couldn't find ip" tracker.gbitt.info:80 error: i/o timeout" error: dial tcp connect: connection refused"...
[TCP] dial 漏网之鱼 (match Match/) mihomo --> xxxx:33943 error: dns resolve failed: all DNS requests failed, first error: xxxxxx:443 connect error: dns resolve failed: context deadline exceeded 备注/ Addition detailsNo response环境信息 / Environment information-...