append-proxy-groups:类型和clash proxy-groups配置一致,内容合并到proxy-groups后 其他clash的字段:5个默认使用的字段(rules,proxies,proxy-groups,proxy-providers,rule-providers)以及其他clash/clash meta支持的字段,直接设置这些字段将直接覆盖profile对应字段的内容。
function mergeRules(rawObj, configObj){ if(rawObj[PROXY_RULE_KEY] == undefined){ rawObj[PROXY_RULE_KEY] = [] } if(configObj["prepend-rules"] != undefined){ rawObj[PROXY_RULE_KEY].unshift(...configObj["prepend-rules"]) } if(configObj["append-rules"] != undefined){ rawObj[PROXY...
this is merely for the rules (like GEOIP). When a request to the said, “fake IP” address is sent to Clash, Clash establishes a connection to the FQDN linked with the “fake IP” through a SOCKS5, Shadowsocks (or other protocols) server. ...
解决:clash的配置文件里面有几个写法变了,看这里 修改Proxy为proxies,Proxy Group为proxy-groups,Rule为rules后就可以了,但要注意开头的mode后的Rule不能修改为rules。 在这里修改 来源
可根据关键字移除rules 此版本打包中增加了data文件夹和Country.mmdb, GeoSite.dat 注意下面缩进,请用支持yaml显示的编辑器打开 使用clash配置文件关键字则覆盖原配置 removed-rules 循环匹配rules数组每行,符合则移除当前行 (此规则请放最前面) append-rules 数组合并至原配置rules数组后 prepend-rules 数组合并至原...
[Unit] Description=Clash Service [Service] ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c 'touch /var/log/clash.log' ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/clash -d ~/.config/clash/config.yaml Restart=on-failure User=nobody Group=nogroup StandardOutput=append:/var/log/clash.log StandardError=append:/var...
1. It doesn't require you to append the updated nwc file, just replace the old nwc file to the updated nwc file. 2. Refresh the model. 3. Re run the test. 4. The status of solved clashes will appear as "Resolved" I hope this helps everyone of you. Thanks. Report 0 Likes Repl...
可根据关键字移除rules 此版本打包中增加了data文件夹和Country.mmdb, GeoSite.dat 注意下面缩进,请用支持yaml显示的编辑器打开 使用clash配置文件关键字则覆盖原配置 removed-rules 循环匹配rules数组每行,符合则移除当前行 (此规则请放最前面) append-rules 数组合并至原配置rules数组后 prepend-rules 数组合并至原...
Clash will then lookup the FQDN and check the GEOIP for the IP address, this is merely for the rules (like GEOIP). When a request to the said, “fake IP” address is sent to Clash, Clash establishes a connection to the FQDN linked with the “fake IP” through a SOCKS5, Shadowsock...