2020 USGBC Virginia Leadership Innovative Design Award Co-winner McCormick Road Houses Renovation (Kent/Dabney Hall) Charlottesville, Virginia 2020 ABC Central Virginia Excellence in Construction Award - Specialty Concrete Fergurson Headquarters 3 (Slenderwall) Newport News, Virginia 2020 Concrete Bridge Awar...
Usul, N., Yilmaz, M., Application of Clark Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Method with GIS for two Basins in Turkey, International Conference of GIS and Remote Sensing in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment (ICGRHWE), Three Gorges Dam, China, September 16 to 19, 2003....
CozoDB - A transactional, relational database that uses Datalog and focuses on graph data and algorithms. Time-travel-capable, and fast! darkbird [darkbird] - HighConcurrency, RealTime, InMemory storage inspired by erlang mnesia Databend - A Modern Real-Time Data Processing & Analytics DBMS...
AWS COVID-19 Datasets - We're working with organizations who make [...] COVID-19 Case Surveillance Public Use Data - The COVID-19 case [...] 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 Data Repository by Johns Hopkins CSSE - [...] Coronavirus (Covid-19) Data in the United States - The New...
Denver, COUnited States pho: (877) 312-2327 Denver@BearCom.comwww.BearCom.com Communication Solutions & Associates Inc.Colorado Springs, COUnited States Doug LaRoypho: (719) 578-8435fax: (719) 520-1274 Doug@comsolwireless.netcomsolu.radio-dealers.com QDS Communications, Inc.Centennial, CO...
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Clark Bowling in to Golf; 96-Year-Old Ready to Tee off at Charity Golf ClassicByline: Jenna Johnstone Jenna.Johnstone@capnews.com.au
LDH Preparation 3 of 13 In recent decades, many different LDH synthesis routes have been reported. Fo instance, several LDHs were prepared simply by coprecipitation method [30], by usin 22te..h1xM.ecLhaDstaeonHrlgi-aPgelre,selopaarntredbactyMhionuneistqihnuogedsc[a3l1c]i,nabtyionre–pre...
By 2017, ~75% of RTC's buses operating in Clark County, Nevada were CNG-powered. This study assesses the health benefits of the venture using the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Co-Benefits Risk Assessment (COBRA) model, considering the emission and exposure changes from the 2017...