The Highly Cited Researchers 2024 list identifies and celebrates individuals who have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their fields of research.
849 Highly Cited Researchers in 2023, from more than 1,300 institutions in 67 nations and regions. The evaluation and selection process draws on data from the Web of Science citation index, together with analysis performed by bibliometric experts and data scientistsfrom the company....
The Highly Cited Researchers 2024 list identifies and celebrates individuals who have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their fields of research.
Under the new Clarivate-Retraction Watchsystem, Highly Cited Researchers who had to retract their papers are in danger of losing their title. But not necessarily: Halevi explained that “We have always excluded retracted highly cited papers from our analysis“, and if a paper was retracted for ...
David Pendlebury, Head of Research Analysis at ISI said: “The Citation Laureates 2023, by the influence of their research contributions revealed in their citation profiles, are peers of those who have received a Nobel Prize. In many cases, they are not merely authors of highly cited papers ...
David Pendlebury, Head of Research Analysis at ISI said: "The Citation Laureates 2023, by the influence of their research contributions revealed in their citation profiles, are peers of those who have received a Nobel Prize. In many cases, they are not merely autho...
sign in to continue with journal citation reports cross border personal data transfer acknowledgement translate to chinese before you proceed to use clarivate services, please refer to our corporate privacy notice and terms of use to understand our terms and conditions and how we process and protect...
[1-3] 遥 近日 Clarivate Analytics 在线公布了全球 2016 年高被引科学家 渊 Highly Cited Researchers2016冤 名单渊冤遥全球共有 3 083 位科学家入选高被引科学家名单袁其中 135 人同时入选 2 个学科领域袁 21 人同时入选 3个学科领域袁 2 人同时入选 4...
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