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You have no flash plugin installed Download latest version fromhere 拥有与Clarity Vx Pro相同的 Waves Neural Networks ®引擎助力,Clarity Vx优化的简单界面两全其美,没有学习曲线:无可挑剔的干净人声完美无暇,毫无损坏的处理结果几秒钟内立等可取。 对于预算有限的音乐人、时间紧张的家庭工作室制作人以及非专业...
简化版Clarity Vx定价49.99美元,首发优惠价29.99美元。 Clarity Vx Pro - 专业版 以下视频来源于WavesAudio Flash version 9,0 or greater is required You have no flash plugin installed Download latest version fromhere Clarity Vx Pro是一款革命性的实时降噪插件,可将对话与环境隔离开来,并以最高质量进行清理...
Waves Audio was proud to be the recipient of a Technical Excellence & Creativity (TEC) Award at the 39thAnnual TEC Awards, held on Saturday, January 27, at The 2024 NAMM Show in Anaheim, California. TheClarity Vx DeReverb Proplugin, an advanced AI reverb removal for dialogue & vocals, go...