Clarinetin good working order: no wobbling between joints , pads seal well, pad heights correct. 运作良好的单簧管: 接管处不摇晃, 垫片密封良好, 垫片高度正确. 期刊摘选 Theclarinetwas out of tune. 那根单簧管走调了. 期刊摘选 Clarinettechnic is very basic, and is the same for all styles of mu...
9.So I used to takeclarinetlessons with the guy who lived in that house. 我之前和住在这个房子里的人 一起上单簧管课 10.Listen, you just play thatclarinettonight like I know you can. 听着 今晚演奏单簧管 发挥出你以往的水准就好 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词clarinet的翻译英语含义,如...
clarinet 基本解释 n. 竖笛, 单簧管, 黑管 clarinet 词性变化 名词复数形式:clarinets 中文词源 clarinet 单簧管 来自clar-,清晰的,词源同clear.因这种乐器清脆的声音而得名。 词组短语 1、B-flatclarinet[网络] 单簧管 2、bassclarinet低音单簧管 3、clarinetsection [网络] 单簧管部分 ...
英[ˌklærəˈnet] n.单簧管;黑管 网络竖笛;双簧管;单簧管奏法 复数:clarinets 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 clarinet n. 1. 单簧管;黑管a musical instrument of the woodwind group. It is shaped like a pipe and has a reed and a mouthpiece at the top that you blow into....
王滔clarinet 2024-5-30 22:02 转发微博 @上海东方艺术中心 本周日(6月2日),首位由全球古典音乐权威唱片厂牌DG发行专辑的华人管乐演奏家王滔@王滔clarinet 将携手旅美钢琴家黄秋宁亮相@兴证全球基金 2024未来大师系列音乐会,演绎舒曼与勃拉姆斯两位音乐巨匠的室内乐经典。O有点艺思 | 单簧管演奏家王滔——体操...
clarinet (ˌklærɪˈnɛt) n 1.(Instruments) a keyed woodwind instrument with a cylindrical bore and a single reed. It is a transposing instrument, most commonly pitched in A or B flat. Obsolete name:clarionet 2.(Music, other) an orchestral musician who plays the clarinet ...
The meaning of CLARINET is a single-reed woodwind instrument having a cylindrical tube with a moderately flared bell and a usual range from D below middle C upward for 31/2 octaves.
clarinet section n. 单簧管演奏部分 bass clarinet 低音单簧管 b flat clarinet phr. 降B大调单簧管 相似单词 clarinet n. 竖笛,单簧管,黑管 最新单词 duskily是什么意思及反义词 ad. 微暗的,微黑的 dusk的意思 n.[U] 薄暮,傍晚,黄昏 a. 微暗的 v.[T,I] 使微暗 durylene的中文翻译及音标 四甲...