The show focuses on the daily life of Clarence Wendle, a fun-loving, spirited, optimistic and chubby 9-year-old boy, and his best friends: Jeff, one of Clarence's best friends who is more the intellectual type, and Sumo: Clarence's other best friend who is the most instinctual of thei...
The trio heads to Squirty's Moist Mountain water park. As Clarence learns the truth about his idol Squirty, Jeff and Sumo wait in line for the reopening of the park's tallest slide, The Curd Churner. Episode 45 Where the Wild Chads Are When Chad takes Clarence camping, the trip ...
While watching a TV show about dreams, Clarence dozes off and enters the whimsical dreamscape that hovers above Aberdale. Here Clarence can see other people's dreams, experiencing the subconscious of all his friends and neighbors. But when things turn nightmarish, Clarence must find a way to ...
The show focuses on the daily life of Clarence Wendle, a fun-loving, spirited, optimistic and chubby 9-year-old boy, and his best friends: Jeff, one of Clarence's best friends who is more the intellectual type, and Sumo: Clarence's other best friend who is the most instinctual of thei...
Discover the best that life has to offer--epic pinecone wars, backyard tree forts and the secret worlds beyond milk cartons--all through the eyes of Clarence and his friends, the unpredictable Sumo and overly-cautious Jeff.more Starring: Spencer RothbellTom KennySean Giambrone Creator: Sky...
The trio heads to Squirty's Moist Mountain water park. As Clarence learns the truth about his idol Squirty, Jeff and Sumo wait in line for the reopening of the park's tallest slide, The Curd Churner. Episode 45 Where the Wild Chads Are ...
The trio heads to Squirty's Moist Mountain water park. As Clarence learns the truth about his idol Squirty, Jeff and Sumo wait in line for the reopening of the park's tallest slide, The Curd Churner. Episode 45 Where the Wild Chads Are When Chad takes Clarence camping, the trip goes ...
The trio heads to Squirty's Moist Mountain water park. As Clarence learns the truth about his idol Squirty, Jeff and Sumo wait in line for the reopening of the park's tallest slide, The Curd Churner. Episode 45 Where the Wild Chads Are When Chad takes Clarence camping, the trip ...