加拿大克莱蒙中学(Claremont Secondary School,CSS)位于温哥华岛最南端的维多利亚市(Victoria),是萨尼奇公立教育局(Saanich School District)下的一所男女混合高中。克莱蒙约有在校生1200人,覆盖9-12年级,因治学严谨常年在温哥华岛名列前茅。除卓越的学术成就外,克莱蒙还拥有较强的艺术和体育传统。 克莱蒙中学链接 https...
Grade 12 students Eve Collombin, captain of the senior girls’ team, and Mya Sheridan were the tournament all-stars and Grade 10 student Olivia Boulding was named the MVP. The senior girls beat South Delta Secondary School in the finals. READ ALSO:Claremont wins Fall Classic high s...