Robert and Clara Schumann, The Marriage Diaries of Robert and Clara Schumann from Their Wedding Day through the Russia Trip.(Book review)de la Vars, Lauren Pringle
Clara Schumann was a celebrated pianist whose own composing career was subsumed by her marriage to the composer Robert Schumann. Women deserve a more prominent place in our history books Many of Brahms's allusions, however, are not to intimidating predecessors, but to (then) relatively unknown co...
This impassioned novel gives voice to Clara Wieck Schumann, one of the most celebrated pianists of the nineteenth century, who today is best remembered not for her music but for her marriage. "How often you must purchase my songs with invisibility and silence, little Clara," says Robert, and...
She met composerRobert Schumannwhen she was only eight years old. Their friendship eventually blossomed into love, although Clara's father was against the relationship and even threatened to shoot Robert should he go through with the marriage. ...
Additional Presenter: Gillian Irwin On the eve of their 1840 marriage, Robert Schumann presented his beloved Clara with a collection of songs titled M...Diane W. FolletCollege Music Symposium
The album, spread over two discs, takes the listener through Clara’s life in her own words – from child prodigy with a tyrannical father, marriage and eight children with Robert Schumann, and culminating with her final years as an elderly widow. It starts out with some moving words – no...
Robert's entry of 20-27 December 1840, "The [Marriage] Diary of Robert and Clara Schumann," ed. Eugenie Schu- mann, trans. G. D. H. Pidock, Music and Letters 15 (October 1934): 291.SCHUMANN, Eugene; PIDCOCK, G.D.H. The Diary of Robert and Clara Schumann. In: Music & ...
While Nancy Reich has noted this tendency in her biography of Clara Schumann, there is little discussion on how this aesthetic shift may have been affected by the two major changes in Clara's life in 1840: her marriage to the decidedly anti-virtuoso music critic and composer Robert Schumann,...
Clara Schumann was a German pianist, composer, and wife of composer Robert Schumann. Encouraged by her father, she studied piano from the age of five and by 1835 had established a reputation throughout Europe as a child prodigy. In 1838 she was honoured