Emoji英文名称clapping hands Unicode 版本6.0 Unicode 编码U+1F44F 快捷代码:clap: 关键词 拍手鼓掌 👏 在各设备或平台上的不同展现 苹果 谷歌 脸书 微软 推特 One 三星 👏 鼓掌相关介绍 Bravo,做得很好!表情符号显示两个拍手。主要用于表达同意和欣赏。如果真的不值得鼓掌,也可以讽刺地使用!
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! Show approval or praise, send the Clapping Hands emoji to let everyone know what you mean! This emoji shows two hands facing each other with small rays to represent the clapping action. Some users create a border using the clapping ...
在SYMBL (◕‿◕) 上发现并复制Emoji 👏 拍手标志 的含义!Unicode编号:U+1F44F. HTML: 👏. 在 「人与身体」 类别下的子类 「手」. 了解如何和在哪里使用这个符号!
clap,clapping hands,hand,dark skin tone,body Windows Alt-code n/a Decimal HTML Entity 👏🏿 Hex HTML Entity 👏🏿 UTF-16 hex 0xD83D 0xDC4F 0xD83C 0xDFFF Wikipedia n/a Version Emoji 3.0 Year 2016 (see all emoji of 2016) ...
This emoji shows two yellow hands clapping together with sound lines rising out above them. The hands are facing left. This icon means clapping, applause, approval, a way of saying “bravo!”, or being in agreement. Clap Emoji is often used in succession with many more of this icon to ...
👏🏼 鼓掌: 中等-浅肤色 clapping hands: medium-light skin tone 大小预览 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 👏🏼 详细介绍 Emoji中文名称鼓掌: 中等-浅肤色 Emoji英文名称clapping hands: medium-light skin tone
EMOJI 人物与身体 双手手势 👏🏾 鼓掌: 中等-深肤色 clapping hands: medium-dark skin tone 复制 大小预览 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 肤色扩展 👏 👏🏻 👏🏼 👏🏽 👏🏾 👏🏿 👏🏾 详细介绍 Emoji中文名称 鼓掌: 中等-深...
Clapping Hands Thinking Emoji png is about is about Clapping-hands,Applause,Thinking,Gesture,Expression,Reaction,Approval. Clapping Hands Thinking Emoji supports. You can download of Clapping Hands Thinking Emoji now.