第一季的亮点之一是Tomoyo和Tomoya在日落时分的对话,他们将“家庭”理论化。After Story进一步探索的“家庭”的本质是复杂的、多样化的。如果你认同这个系列,那么无论你处于人生的哪个阶段,这个系列所提出的问题都可能是你日常生活的一部分。他们甚至会让你用心的方式去思考你生活中的其他人。 在After Story第一季中,...
《学园篇》的最终目标就是开启《AFTER STORY》。把AS理解为《学园篇》的后续是正确的,因为游戏最重要的主题和价值观都在AS中得到了体现。智代线的后续是TOMOYO AFTER,是一个18x的作品。尽管KEY工作室多次强调与CLANNAD游戏没有直接联系,但CLANNAD依然是面向全年龄段的游戏。CLANNAD的AS部分不仅仅是故事...
clannad 游戏分《学园篇》和《AFTER STORY》,AS是古河渚线的后续。《AFTER STORY》要《学园篇》进行到一定程度才能开启,《学园篇》游戏中最终目的就是开启《AFTER STORY》。 把AS理解为《学园篇》的后续是正确的,游戏最重要的主题和价值观都是在AS中表现 智代线的后续是TOMOYO AFTER (智代AFTER...
第一季的亮点之一是Tomoyo和Tomoya在日落时分的对话,他们将“家庭”理论化。After Story进一步探索的“家庭”的本质是复杂的、多样化的。如果你认同这个系列,那么无论你处于人生的哪个阶段,这个系列所提出的问题都可能是你日常生活的一部分。他们甚至会让你用心的方式去思考你生活中的其他人。 在After Story第一季中,...
World • Garden of Memories • Theory of Everything • Stuck Problem • 3 on 3 • A Room Without Anyone • Counter Measures • A New Life • A Hidden Past • Face Toward the School Festival • Two Shadows • The Events of Summer Holidays • Another World: Tomoyo ...
Clannad: After Story is an anime television series based on the visual novel developed by Key. The series aired in Japan between October 3, 2008 and March 26, 2009 with an extra episode released on July 1, 2009, consisting of 25 episodes. Minoru Shiraish
原文来自CLANNAD AFTER STORY 动画设定集的分集主创评论,和此前专栏出处一致,由于视频长度限制无法展现原文和一些必要的注释,如果有兴趣获取文字版,详见keyfc 的CLANNAD & Tomoyo After版块[自翻]CLANNAD AFTER STORY 主创分集访谈(石原立也+志茂文彦)一文有所有的内容。创作不易,作为一个普通的爱好者,希望能得到各位...
after story, but still, it was just surreal. There are some commenting that Tomoyo inTomoyo Afteris a bit of out of character. I do agree with them and if not, a Tomoyo who has lost her life meaning after the departure of beloved seems even more bizarre. I also agree that the ...
264 -- 1:03:09 App CLANNAD Tomoyo After ~It's a Wonderful Life~ #6 386 -- 20:59 App CLANNAD Tomoyo After ~It's a Wonderful Life~ 结局 55 -- 52:05 App Clannad After Story#4 112 -- 47:58 App Clannad After Story#2 71 -- 54:06 App Clannad After Story#3 149 -- 1...
Tomoyo and when Tomoyo decided she wanted to try to hit the baseball like a girl. There were many funny moments in this episode but overall, things were just a heck of a lot of fun. That’s good because I have seen some bits and pieces about where the game takes the story and if ...