Clannad (Kuranado?) is a visual novel developed by Key and published by Visual Art’s (Windows), Interchannel (PS2), Prototype (PSP, Xbox 360, S3G, FOMA, PS3). The game was released on April 28, 2004 for Windows PCs in Japan. Clannad Game Trailer/ScreenShots
Download Clannad Spelunker (Windows) (gamerip) (2005) album to your PC for free as MP3. Free Clannad Spelunker (Windows) (gamerip) (2005) soundtracks, Clannad Spelunker (Windows) (gamerip) (2005) MP3 downloads. Browse our great selection of Clannad Spelu
hey, I just recently downloaded this game, with all 17 seperate free downloads, and then both of the patches, and I got rid of the black screen with the flower, but now it is just my mouse cursor there, and the background transitions to white. I have changed the language settings lik...