and i Tested with a more complex program using cmake to generate compile_commands.json All of the program build and compile fine with gcc, but it seems clangd not finding the header that are in the include directory of the compiler Im using nvim and the built-in LSP, i can find 3rd ...
Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud)\n 但是,clangd 中的完全相同的行graph.h不断给我错误:forehead/include.h\' file not found clang(pp_file_not_found),阻止我跳转到该文件,每个关键字或函数都include.h被 clangd 视为错误。 \n 环境: \n \n 操作系统:macOS 文图拉 13.0 \n 铿锵:16.0.3 \n...
Clang doesn't format the files and throw errors that it failed to find imports from external libraries (I use cmake) #include "sherpa-onnx/c-api/c-api.h" 'sherpa-onnx/c-api/c-api.h' file not foundclang(pp_file_not_found) the headers avai...
You will be prompted to download it if it's not found on your PATH. (Automatic installation is possible on x86-64 Linux, Windows, and Mac). If you have an old version of clangd installed on your system already, you can run "Check for clangd language server update" from the command ...
安装完成后,插件会检测到系统没有 clang,提示安装The 'clangd' language server was not found on your PATH. Would you like to download and install clangd 18.1.3?,点击 Install,VSCode 会自动下载文件Downloading clangd-linux-18.1.3.zip并解压安装wenjian 。
"clangd.path":"/root/.vscode-server/data/User/globalStorage/llvm-vs-code-extensions.vscode-clangd/install/12.0.1/clangd_12.0.1/bin/clangd","clangd.arguments":["--log=verbose","--header-insertion=never","--query-driver=/usr/bin/g++*"] ...
However, clangd doesn't know how to find the header file and therefore my editor is showing errors like the following where it is unhelpful: #include <mylibheader.h> 'mylibheader.h' file not found mylib_type1_t foo unknown type name 'mylib_type1_t' ... <snip> searching the inte...
讲销售,很少人会讲到运营。殊不知一个To B产品的运营非常关键,因为这直接决定了一个非常重要 ...
coc-clangdwill try to findclangdfrom your$PATH, if not found, you can run:CocCommand clangd.installto install thelatest releasefrom GitHub followProject setupto generatecompile_commands.jsonfor your project Note: If you've configuredclangdas a languageServer incoc-settings.json, you should remove...
Vscodium not recognizing wx/wx.h file [duplicate] I installed vscodium and wx/wx.h in my macbook pro using homebrew to install both. I'm trying to start a gui project using wx/wx.h, but every time I try to include the header file, I get an error ... c++ wxwidgets clangd ...