FormatStyle: 'file' User: xiaolu 纯文本 准备好 编译数据库文件5compile_commands.json (可以用工具生成) 2.1 cmake -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON 但是只支持makefile和Ninja6 2.2 通过vs2022生成 启用clang-tidy 右击项目点击分析,然后就会生成json文件,生成的位置在这个目录Urho3D-1.8\build\Source\Thir...
.clang-tidy: ---Checks:>-*,boost-*,bugprone-*,cert-*,concurrency-*,cppcoreguidelines-*,google-*,hicpp-*,modernize-*,performance-*,readability-*'FormatStyle:Google Configuration and Logs c_cpp_properties.json {"configurations": [ {"name":"Linux","includePath": ["${workspaceFolder}/**"],...
StrictMode value: 1 - key: bugprone-exception-escape.FunctionsThatShouldNotThrow value: WinMain,SDL_main FormatStyle: 'file' 这将运行所有容易出错的检查,并为其中两个设置选项。 收藏分享票数7 EN 页面原文内容由Stack Overflow提供。腾讯云小微IT领域专用引擎提供翻译支持 原文链接:
"FormatStyle": "file", 10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions 10 src/common/casts.hpp Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ namespace iptsd::casts { template <class To, class From> constexpr inline To to(const From value) constexpr To to(co...
$ clang-tidy -dump-config --- Checks: '-*,some-check' WarningsAsErrors: '' HeaderFilterRegex: '' FormatStyle: none InheritParentConfig: true User: user CheckOptions: - key: some-check.SomeOption value: 'some value' ...COLLAPSE...
Checks: 'clang-analyzer-*,cppcoreguidelines-*,modernize-*,performance-*' WarningsAsErrors: 'clang-analyzer-*' HeaderFilterRegex: '^(?!.*Qt).*$' AnalyzeTemporaryDtors: false FormatStyle: none Ukljucuo sam staticke clang analize, osnovne provere vezane za cpp standarde, analizu koja proverava...
12345 Checks: 'clang-diagnostic-*,clang-analyzer-*,*,-google-*,-llvmlibc-*,-fuchsia-*' WarningsAsErrors: '' HeaderFilterRegex: '' AnalyzeTemporaryDtors: false FormatStyle: none .clang-tidy Last edited on Aug 27, 2021 at 7:32pm Topic archived. No new replies allowed.Home...
python在用命令行的时候能够接受很多参数,到底是如何接受那些参数和选项呢? import sys, getopt opts...
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