clang-tidy example.cpp -- -I/usr/include/c++/9 注意,-- 之后的 -I/usr/include/c++/9 是指定头文件搜索路径的参数,你可能需要根据你的系统和 C++ 标准库版本进行调整。 如果一切正常,clang-tidy 将输出任何它检测到的问题或警告。 希望这些步骤能帮助你成功安装并配置 clang-tidy!如果你有任何进一步的...
Checks: " -*, clang-analyzer-*, readability-identifier-*, cppcoreguidelines-*, modernize-*, -modernize-use-trailing-return-type, cppcoreguidelines-avoid-magic-numbers, readability-identifier-length " # "-" ahead of string means give up that check # for example, litter all default checks, an...
See: for an example of setting up Clang Tooling on a source tree. 如文档所述,您必须设置 CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS 变量以使用 CMake 生成 .json 文件,然后将 CMake 输出目录传递给 clang-tidy。然后,Clang-tidy 将从 .json 文件中...
我们可以使用 clang-tidy 来检查这个文件: 代码语言:txt 复制 clang-tidy example.cpp -- -std=c++11 如果foo 函数中的变量 x 没有被使用,clang-tidy 可能会报告一个未使用的变量错误,并建议删除它。 通过这种方式,clang-tidy 可以帮助我们发现并修复代码中的潜在问题,提高代码质量。相关...
clangTidyChecks: Clang-Tidy configuration. A comma-separated list of checks to enable or disable. A leading-disables the check. For example,cert-oop58-cpp, -cppcoreguidelines-no-malloc, google-runtime-intenablescert-oop58-cppandgoogle-runtime-int, but disablescppcoreguidelines-no-malloc. For ...
#0. install clang-tidysudo apt install -y clang-tidy#1. generate compile database (compile_commands.json)cmake --preset=debug#2. run clang-tidy on certain files in the source/include directory, for example:exportFILES_TO_CHECK="include/leanstore/btree/*.hpp"clang-tidy -p=build/debug --...
An example CMake preset implementation looks like this:JSON Copy "configurePreset": [ { "name": "base", ... "vendor": { "": { "clangTidyChecks": "llvm-include-order, -modernize-use-override", "enableMicrosoftCodeAnalysis": true, "enableClang...
# initialized (example: s1 in struct S { String s1; String s2{};}; is not in-struct initialized, therefore it must be specified at instantiation time). As explicitly # specifying all members is tedious for large structs, `missing-field-initializers` makes programmers initialize as many member...
…99084) The regular expressions match functions that aren't anchored in the global namespace. For example `::connect` matches `QObject::connect` This change is to remove these false positivesmain matthew-f committed Jul 17, 2024 Verified 1 parent c077a4f commit c736ca8 Showing...
clangTidyChecks: Clang-Tidy configuration. A comma-separated list of checks to enable or disable. A leading-disables the check. For example,cert-oop58-cpp, -cppcoreguidelines-no-malloc, google-runtime-intenablescert-oop58-cppandgoogle-runtime-int, but disablescppcoreguidelines-no-malloc. For ...