通过执行clang-tidy -list-checks -checks=*命令,我们可以查看当前可用的所有check。 而如果想要执行某个检查,那就执行clang-tidy --checks='check名字' 被测文件 比如检测无限循环的情况,对应check名字为 bugprone-infinite-loop,待测文件内容为: intmain(){inti=1,j=0;while(i>0)j++;} 检测效果为 可以看到...
llvm最近发了18.1.0的正式版,迫不及待把clangd的二次开发内容给移植过去,但是发现增加的一个Check在clangd中没有生效,如果直接执行clang-tidy倒是有效果。 先确认配置文件是否正确,进入方法ParsedAST::build,搜索getTidyOptionsForFile,将这行打印的级别调整为Error,即将打印函数替换为elog,编译运行,打印出来是包含自...
"hi:o:") input_file="" output_file="" for op, value in opts: if op == "-i":...
You can check if clang-tidy is running by looking for the fire icon in the blue status bar at the bottom of the window. To pause or cancel clang-tidy, click on the fire icon and then choose an option from the drop down. How do I configure clang-tidy checks and check options? If ...
CheckOptions: - key: readability-identifier-naming.ClassCase value: CamelCase - key: readability-identifier-naming.EnumCase value: CamelCase - key: readability-identifier-naming.LocalVariableCase value: lower_case - key: readability-identifier-naming.StaticConstantCase value: aNy_CasE -...
--config=<string> - Specifies a configuration in YAML/JSON format: -config="{Checks: '*', CheckOptions: [{key: x, value: y}]}" When the value is empty, clang-tidy will attempt to find a file named .clang-tidy for each source file in its parent directories. --config-file=<string...
clang-tidy -checks='readability-identifier-naming' -config="{CheckOptions: [ {key: readability-identifier-naming.ParameterCase, value: UPPER_CASE} ]}" a.cpp -- -std=c++17 catches all parameters. clang-tidy -checks='readability-identifier-naming' -config="{CheckOptions: [ {key: readability-...
--config=<string> - Specifies a configuration in YAML/JSON format: -config="{Checks: '*', CheckOptions: {x: y}}" When the value is empty, clang-tidy will attempt to find a file named .clang-tidy for each source file in its parent directories. So in contrast to clang-format you...
Configure options used by the Clang-Tidy checks Force CLion to use existing.clang-tidyconfigs instead of the settings provided in the IDE settings dialog For example, if you takemodernize-use-nullptrcheck and decide to provide the list of macro names that will be transformed into C++11nullptr...
CheckOptions: - { key: modernize-use-auto, value: false } - { key: modernize-loop-convert, value: false } 上述示例配置了一些在现代化转换方面的检查,如`modernize-use-auto`和`modernize-loop-convert`。其中,`modernize-use-auto`和`modernize-loop-convert`的值设为`false`,表示禁用了这些检查。 5...