MacOS X:~/Library/Preferences/ Others:$XDG_CONFIG_HOME,通常是 ~/.config 通常情况下系统中并无此文件,可以按F1打开 VSCode 命令面板,输入clangd: Open user configuration file,即可创建并打开config.yaml文件,然后编辑文件内容如下以发挥 Clangd 的更多特性(项目配置同理): Diagnostics:ClangTidy:Add:["*"]Re...
...只需要在项目仓库中添加一个 .pre-commit-config.yaml 配置文件,然后将 cpp-linter-hooks[14] 这个 hook 添加到 .pre-commit-config.yaml...中,具体设置如下: .pre-commit-config.yaml 是 `pre-commit`[15] framework 的默认配置文件。...同理,如果默认的静态分析设置不满足要求,可以在仓库的根目录下...
创建配置文件.pre-commit-config.yaml,设置如下: repos: - repo: rev: v0.2.1 hooks: - id: clang-format args: [--style=file] # to load .clang-format - id: clang-tidy args: [--checks=.clang-tidy] # path/to/.clang-tidy 这里的 file 是...
@michelleangelaclang-tidy config will not work. --config=<string> - Specifies a configuration in YAML/JSON format: -config="{Checks: '*', CheckOptions: {x: y}}" When the value is empty, clang-tidy will attempt to find a file named .clang-tidy for each source file in its parent di...
Clang Tidy:Config 接受检查和检查选项作 为 YAML/JSON 格式的字符串。 如果源文件在其任何上一级目录中都没有 .clang-tidy 配置文件, 并且 Clang Tidy: Config 属性留空,则回退配置(在 C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.fallbackConfig 中定义)将是 用于该文件。 你可以使用 Clang Tidy > Checks: Enabled 和 ...
SU2: An Open-Source Suite for Multiphysics Simulation and Design - SU2/.clang-tidy at master · Vaish-W/SU2
.clang-tidy文件格式实际上是在命令行帮助中指定的,请参见文献资料。 代码语言:javascript 复制 --config=<string> - Specifies a configuration in YAML/JSON format: -config="{Checks: '*', CheckOptions: [{key: x, value: y}]}" When the value is empty, clang-tidy will attempt to find a file...
C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.config String Null (empty) Specifies a clang-tidy configuration in YAML/JSON format: {Checks: ‘-*,clang-analyzer-*’, CheckOptions: [{key: x, value: y}]}. When empty, any found .clang-tidy files will be used. C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.fallbackConfig ...
clang_tidy_exe, "-p", options.compile_commands_dir] if not options.config_file and os.path.exists(".clang-tidy"): options.config_file = ".clang-tidy" if options.config_file: import yaml with open(options.config_file) as config: # Here we convert the YAML config file to a...
For example: • clang -fsave-optimization-record -c in.c -o out.o will generate out.opt.yaml • clang -fsave-optimization-record -c in.c `` will generate ``in.opt.yaml When targeting (Thin)LTO, the base is derived from the output filename, and the extension is not dropped. ...