目录 收起 配置示例 checks自定义 clang-tidy是一个优秀的代码静态分析工具,可以通过写配置文件.clang-tidy来自定义检查规则。 检查效果如图,这里代码尚未编译即可显示风险项,若能解决,则给出修改建议(所谓静态分析)。 举个栗子 这个警告的意图是为了统一管理常量以及提高代码可读性,不然你看别人代码里面调参师傅...
如果你需要自定义Clang-Tidy的规则,可以在项目根目录下创建一个.clang-tidy文件,并在其中添加你的自定义配置。例如: yaml Checks: '-*,bugprone-*,performance-*,readability-*' WarningsAsErrors: '*' HeaderFilterRegex: '.*' AnalyzeTemporaryDtors: false Options: - ExtraArgs: [-I/path/to/include] 这...
clang-tidy 是一个用于 C/C++ 代码静态分析的工具,它可以检查代码中的潜在问题并提供相应的修复建议。NOLINT 是 clang-tidy 提供的一种指令,用于告诉 clang-tidy...
Clang-tidy是一个基于clang的静态代码分析框架,不只可以在出现问题的地方给出提示,还提供自动修复功能(当然如何修复需要该check作者提供)。支持用户自定义check,每一个check检测一种问题,例如检测某个违反Code style的模式,检测某些API不正确的使用等。 clang-tidy 可以检测各式各样的问题: ...
only run "fast checks" by default, as an additional filter applied to checks specified in .clang-tidy etc keep a static "fast check" list, not a "slow check" list, per goal 1. maintain this list by benchmarking on a known complex file (suggest clang/lib/SemaExpr.cpp) - addresses ...
1 clang-tidy: Blacklist some checks (or regex for checks) 9 clang-tidy: How to suppress C++ warnings in C header file? 0 clang-tidy default checks (unknown origin) Hot Network Questions Looking for a movie about humans being cloned to mine but are unaware What is the benefit of ...
引述规则C.12的标题:C.12:不要将数据成员设置为const或引用复制或移动类型 (强调我的)。然而,它...
当A中的某个逻辑fire这个Event时,B挂事件的地方要(B的handler)要做些事情。 FireFarEvent 是 ...
Clang-Tidy integration: disable individual checks and other improvementsCopy heading link CLion 2017.2 broughtClang-Tidy integration, that expands the list of CLion’s checks and helps you ensure better code quality. We’ve received a lot of useful feedback and today are happy to address several ...
Clang Tidy cmake “-DCMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY=/usr/bin/clang-tidy-3.9;-checks=*” ../path/to/source This will run /usr/bin/clang-tidy-3.9 -checks=* on each of the C++ source files in the project being built. CppCheck cmake “-DCMAKE_CXX_CPPCHECK=/usr/bin/cppcheck;–std=c++11”...