在sublime中调出命令面板(command+shift+P)然后输入insp, 输入clang format, 回车即可. 简单配置 然后就可以开始定制格式了, 具体就是复制default文件到user, 然后修改格式即可, 首先是settings: { // This is the path to the binary for clang-format. If it is in your ...
In the .clang-format configuration file, this can be configured like: ForEachMacros: ['RANGES_FOR', 'FOREACH'] For example: BOOST_FOREACH. IncludeCategories (std::vector<IncludeCategory>) Regular expressions denoting the different #include categories used for ordering #includes. These regular ex...
使用clang-format格式化map初始化可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 首先,确保你已经安装了clang-format工具。如果没有安装,你可以从官方网站下载并安装。 2. 打开你的代码文件,...
.clang-format file example You can use multiple ClangFormat files to apply different styling rules at different locations in your codebase, if desired, by placing files in different folders. Any given code file will be styled by the ClangFormat file closest to it in the directory tree. We r...
使用clang-format配置样式clang-format支持两种提供自定义样式选项的方法: 1.在命令行选项中直接通过-style =指定样式配置clang-format -style=llvm test.m 2.在项目目录中创建.clang-format或_clang-format文件用来存放自定义样式配置选项,并通过命令行选项-style=file指定自定义文件...
So that they are not parsed as identifier, for example for Qts emit. StatementAttributeLikeMacros: - emit # REQUIRE: clang-format 13 #! if not None, when using initialization for an array of structs aligns the fields into columns. AlignArrayOfStructures: Left #! Defines when to put an ...
To automatically format a file according to Electron C++ code style, run clang-format -i path/to/electron/file.cc. It should work on macOS/Linux/Windows. The workflow to format your changed code: Make codes changes in Electron repository. ...
In CLion and ReSharper, C++ users have the option of either working with the IDE’s own formatter or switching to the ClangFormat executable. ReSharper’s C++ formatter can also read the.clang-formatconfig file and apply the majority of the settings from it. However, because of the parsing ...
echo 'void cfg_InitConfig(cfg_Config_t*cfg,char*name){return 0;}' \ | \ clang-format-14 \ --Werror \ --style="{\ AlignAfterOpenBracket: BlockIndent, \ AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: true, \ AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false, \ BinPackParameters: false, \ ColumnLimit: 30...