简介 编译器就是语言翻译器,把高级语言翻译成计算机能够执行的机器语言。 语言翻译主要工作流程: 源代码 (source code) → 预处理器 (preprocessor) → 编译器 (compiler) → 目标代码 (object code) → 链接器 (linker) → 可执行程序 (executables) LLVM (Low Level Virtual Machine) 是一个开源的编译器架构。
LLVM source code Clang source code Clang Tools Extra source code Compiler RT source code LibC++ source code 下载好了以后,四个压缩包都解压出来,得到四个目录: llvm-3.3.src cfe-3.3.src clang-tools-extra-3.3.src compiler-rt-3.3.src libcxx-3.3.src 然后按下面的步骤组织: mv cfe-3.3.src clang ...
The Clang Compiler is an open-source compiler for the C family of programming languages, aiming to be the best in class implementation of these languages. Clang builds on the LLVM optimizer and code generator, allowing it to provide high-quality optimization and code generation support for many ...
C4droid is a user-friendly (but powerful) C/C++ IDE + C/C++ compiler for Android. Basic features: - Offline C compiler: create your own applications on Android device and run them even without Internet access - Source code editor with syntax highlighting, tabs, code completion, code formattin...
从llvm.org/releases/downl处下载Clang source code 和LLVM source code两个压缩包,解压出来是两个目录clang-2.6和llvm,将clang那个目录重命名为clang然后放到llvm/tools/中,并在llvm的同一级目录下新建一个用于存放构建结果的build,下面是我的最终结果: xlous@xlous-Ubuntu:~/Development/compiler/llvm2.6$ ls bui...
Clang Tools Extra source code Compiler RT source code LibC++ source code 下载好了以后,四个压缩包都解压出来,得到四个目录: llvm-3.3.src cfe-3.3.src clang-tools-extra-3.3.src compiler-rt-3.3.src libcxx-3.3.src 然后按下面的步骤组织:
{0},objective-c-cpp-output//2 - 编译阶段:进行词法分析、语法分析、检测语法是否正确,最终生成IR+-2:compiler,{1},ir//3 - 后端:这里LLVM会通过一个一个的pass去优化,每个pass做一些事情,最终生成汇编代码+-3:backend,{2},assembler//4 - 汇编代码生成目标文件+-4:assembler,{3},object//5 - 链接...
+- 2: compiler, {1}, ir //3 - 后端:这里LLVM会通过一个一个的pass去优化,每个pass做一些事情,最终生成汇编代码 +- 3: backend, {2}, assembler //4 - 汇编代码生成目标文件 +- 4: assembler, {3}, object //5 - 链接:链接需要的动态库和静态库,生成可执行文件 ...
In our case, we wanted to use profile-guided optimization. One of the options for making this work is to get the compiler-rt source code of exactly the same version as the Clang version in MSYS2. This can be challenging, so the other solution is to clone the LLVM monorepo and build th...