CLAM SHELL CD CASES MODELNO. COLOR HOLDS QTY./CTN. PRICE PER CARTON ADD TOCART 1 2 5+ S-6765 Frosted Clear 1 CD 200 $135 per carton any qty. ADD02/27/2025 05:57:02 PM; D USWEB7 Help Contact Us Careers Shipping Boxes Plastic Bags Catalog Request / Privacy /...
20 Classic Clear Clam Shell CD/DVD/BD PP CShell CaseDvd Cases Clear
Sunshing Plastic CD Record Protective Sleeve Box Multi-Disc DVD Disk Box 00:44 Sunshing DVD Cake Boxes Clear Black Cover and Bottom CD PP/PS Tray 00:27 Sunshing Plastic CD Clam Shell Cases DVD Packaging Box with 2/3 Tray 00:37 Sunshing Standard Jewelry Case Clear 14mm 6disc CD DVD Ca...
In some cases, it might be useful to superimpose unbound monomers onto the template to create a coarse interaction model. Then, the coarse model made from putting together the unbound monomers will be itself used as template. This can be done with the--superimposeflag: ...
Can I compile it myself? (Is the build system sane?) ClamAV uses autoconf, so building with afl-clang-fast should be cake. Are there easily available and unique testcases available? Inside of thetest/.splitfolder in the root of the ClamAV project are multiple interesting files to seed ...
shellfishing activities (Cabaço et al.2005; Román et al.2020; Garmendia et al.2021; Barañano et al.2022). However, this negative effect does not always hold true (e.g. Park et al.2011) and, in some cases, the results of different studies are not comparable as they may involve...
This is particularly useful in cases where the encrypted file is only readable by root, but the target program does not need root privileges to function. This flag should be used where possible for added security. To overwrite the default file name (tmp-file) in exec-file use the --file...
Introduction: Karinia brevis, a marine dinoflagellate, is the causative organism for "red-tide" on the east coast of Florida.This microbe produces brevetoxins, which bioaccumulate in filter feeding bivalve shellfish. In humans, inhalational exposure is common, while ingestion of contaminated shell...
The growth pattern base on the computed slope b values showed allometry in both cases. Specifically, length measures Shell height, SH and Shell width, SW show negative allometry indicating that X SW is increasing relatively faster than Y SH ; whereas, Total weight TW vs. SH and SW shows ...
To assess the toxicity of heavy metal pollution to marine intertidal shellfish, enzymatic responses and lipid peroxidation were investigated in the clam Mactra vereformis exposed to cadmium under laboratory conditions. Three antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, SOD; catalase, CAT; glutathione ...