Clamdiggers, Gold Bugs, and ThreadmenCVORNYEK, ROBERTRhode Island History
No pants can be considered clam diggers if they do not fit into the mid-calf length category. Other common style attributes are drawstring ties on the waist and leg hems of the pants. These tend to add to the beachy, comfortable style of the pants. Sometimes, the pants will include trous...
clam diggers clam dip clam up clambake clamber clam-flat References in periodicals archive ? The men clammed while the women and children processed the catch. Pig toes and pimplebacks: the story of Michigan's pearl button industry Do remember to discard any shells that are 'clammed' shut!
Check out our stainless steel clamming rakes and you will see why they are simple, effective and the best clam rakes at very affordable prices for Clam Diggers on both the east and west coasts of North America.Crabbing? We have recently added topless crap traps to our lineup. If you are...
[C14: from Old Englishclǣmanto smear; related to Old Norsekleima,Old High Germankleimen] ˈclammilyadv ˈclamminessn Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Last season saw diggers harvest an estimated 4.3 million clams during 281, 374 digging trips — an average of 15.28 clams per trip. Kalaloch, which opened for two days of digging last January — the first digs at the beach since the 2011-12 season — produced 1,410 clams in 637 digging...