回想這兩年,mid-term、mean、SD、projects、presentation、job-hunting、internship……曾有一刻歇歇嗎?一直幻想大學是最自由的地方,可以找到真正的興趣、做自己最愛做的事,閒來看看書、彈彈琴、到處走走隨意浮思。可惜到了這三分之二的檢查站,除了更精準的時間管理外,有何得著? 盼望本科生生活暮色之際,亦是霧色...
今天怎能相信,本科生的生活只餘下僅僅一年? 回想這兩年,mid-term、mean、SD、projects、presentation、job-hunting、internship……曾有一刻歇歇嗎?一直幻想大學是最自由的地方,可以找到真正的興趣、做自己最愛做的事,閒來看看書、彈彈琴、到處走走隨意浮思。可惜到了這三分之二的檢查站,除了更精準的時間管理外,有...
Claude Debussy’s “Clair de Lune” is one of those pieces of music,like “Beau Soir” and “Girl With the Flaxen Hair” and “Afternoon of a Faun” (all Debussy compositions, BTW), that has condensed its flavors and sensuous textures into one delicious, snack-sized morsel. A brief five...
Tip #4: Dynamics and Expression Pieces like “Clair de Lune” are allllll about emotional expression!So don’t be afraid to let your dramatic side fly! There are dynamic markings to help you along, and if you’re new to musical terms, here’s what they mean:Piano Play softly.Forte Play...
Re: Clair de Lune Reply #9 on: May 29, 2009, 06:11:44 PM how can it happen if u urself are unwilling to want to forget that fingering? u keep giving urself so many emotional excuses like...'its a bad habit, its 2 yrs, he probably should give up, BUT DOESN MEAN IT WIL HAP...
Calmato doesn't necessarily mean to slow down, it's just a directive to play a section in a...calm manner! It sounded as if the tempo suddenly shifted to half-speed when you reached this section, so remember to maintain the tempo but the mood is shifted to a calm one. Your ...
所属专辑:【学习/读书/放松音乐】 音频列表 1 42.42-Amélie Theme - Comptine d'un autre(Av781102085,P42) 23 2024-03 2 43.43-Clair de Lune - Debussy(Av781102085,P43) 30 2024-03 3 44.44-Brooklyn Duo - True Colors (Cello (Av781102085,P44) ...
有些人,上dual莊還可以上dean’s list;我或許日日摺在圖書館和家中也below mean。 講到limit,乃由於Math lecture近來觸及limit課題,我的CE A.Math Calculus感覺又再refreshed了。 假設下圖的x是年齡,f(x)是learning ability & potential, For x>0,f(x) 從+∞而來,卻一直approaches 0; ...
這個?below mean!那個?低出一個SD!…… 首屆香港中學文憑試即將於本年三月上演,打響頭砲的當然是came fashionably late的練習卷。中文科試卷深淺程度甚囂塵上,筆者亦對卷二寫作題目略有淺見。 一、試記敘你曾面對的一次重大抉擇,而這次經歷也讓你更瞭解自己。 據蘋果日報受訪中學教師表示,學生選答此類題目容易...