insurance, payment of huge compensation in claims involving exaggeration of injuries, insurance fraud and champerty activities. 保費偏高可能基於多項因素,包 括承保的士及公共小巴保 險的保險公司太少和涉及誇大傷勢、 詐騙 及 包 攬訴 訟活動的巨額賠償。 Huge insurance payou...
experience of the insurance industry in dealingwithclaimsandprevention offrauds can help reduce frauds and wastage of resources. 第三, 醫療保險可能涉及濫用或詐騙等很大的風險,保險業界在處理索償及防 止詐騙方面有豐富經驗,可減少詐騙及浪費資源的情況。
23–25-year-old women with HPV-associated anogenital diseases and women without anogenital diseases were matched on a 1:10 ratio (direct matching, without replacement) based on age and gender and were compared in terms of healthcare costs and resource utilization during a 3-year observation ...
MPR is a ratio between number of days of medication supply and number of days in the refill interval. It is conventionally calculated as the total number of days of medication supply divided by the sum of the number of days from first dispensing up to the date of last dispensation plus ...
Thendefinemastheratioofcontingentclaimpricetoprobability,m(s)=pc(s)/(s)Conclusionaboutdiscountfactor Nowwecanwritethebundlingequationasanexpectation,p=∑(s)m(s)x(s)=E(mx)Iftherearecompletecontingentclaims,adiscountfactorexists,anditisequaltothecontingentclaimpricedividedbyprobabilities.Expandtoinfinite...
the probability that state s occurs. Then define m as the ratio of contingent claim price to probability, Conclusion about discount factor Now we can write the bundling equation as an expectation, If there are complete contingent claims, a discount factor exists, and it is equal to the ...
ratioofcontingent claimpricetoprobability,m(s)=pc(s)/ (s) Conclusionaboutdiscountfactor Nowwecanwritethebundlingequationas anexpectation, p=∑ (s)m(s)x(s)=E(mx) Iftherearecompletecontingentclaims,a discountfactorexists,anditisequalto thecontingentclaimpricedividedby probabilities. Expandtoinfinite...
Thendefinemastheratioofcontingent claimpricetoprobability,m(s)=pc(s)/ (s) Conclusionaboutdiscountfactor Nowwecanwritethebundlingequationas anexpectation, p=∑ (s)m(s)x(s)=E(mx) Iftherearecompletecontingentclaims,a discountfactorexists,anditisequalto thecontingentclaimpricedividedby ...
p(x)=∑(s)(pc(s)/(s))x(s),where(s)istheprobabilitythatstatesoccurs.Thendefinemastheratioofcontingentclaimpricetoprobability,m(s)=pc(s)/(s)Conclusionaboutdiscountfactor Nowwecanwritethebundlingequationasanexpectation,p=∑(s)m(s)x(s)=E(mx)Iftherearecomplete...
This could be attributed to its higher o-diphenols/total phenols ratio, as o-diphenols are more susceptible to oxidation and thermal decomposition than tyrosol secoiridoids, as previously reported [19,20,33]. At 50 °C and 60 °C, practically no sample maintained the level of hydroxytyrosol, ...