Courier Address: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Claims Overpayments Box 14212 5505 North Cumberland Ave., Ste. 307 Chicago, IL 60656-1471 Claims Status Inquiries Payer ID – 66002 Appeals Submit appeals within 120 calendar days from receipt of remittance advice (RA). ...
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas is committed to giving health care providers the support and assistance they need. Explore our new Claims and Eligibility page for everything you need to know about claims.
doi:10.1111/j.1748-720X.1978.tb00247.xBlackwell Publishing LtdJournal of Law Medicine & Ethics
A social media backlash preceded the about face from Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, the second largest health insurer.
Father and Son Indicted for Making Fraudulent Hearing Aid Claims to Insurer - Hearing Reviewblue cross blue shieldDallas Newsfraudulent claimsRocky AndersonTerry Anderson
Food for thought: I just checked my insurance company, Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield, ANTM, and their market cap is $50B. "One in eight Americans receives coverage for their medical care through Anthem's affiliated plans." Quick math could put the value of medical insurance companies ...
Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota agrees to overhaul chiropractic claims reviewsHarrison, Jim
Blue Cross claims clinic breached pact. (Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield)(includes related article on the Blue Cross lawsuit against QualChoice of Arkansas Inc)Smith, David
Discusses the allegations of New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer that Blue Cross and Blue Shield health plan company illegally denied emergency room claims in the Rochester area. Accusations of Spitzer that the companies violated state law on the health plan coverage of emergency condition; ...
Medical care providers commonly resort to billingseparately for procedures which should be billed as a single CPT code. Writing a program to profile orrebundle medical claims is complicated by problems such as theMichael DavisBlue CrossBlue Shield of Connecticut...