Reports on a lawsuit filed by Theldon Branch, a black franchise owner in Houston, Texas, against Wendy's International Inc., claiming the company discriminates against black franchisees. What the lawsuit seeks; Call by other franchisees of a boycott of Wendy's; Background of the lawsuit.年...
Anchor Blue, a teen clothing chain launched in 1972, filed for bankruptcy in 2011 after 39 years of business. At its height, the chain had more than 300 stores in the United States. But itcould not survive the 2009 economic downturn. By the time it closed, there were 117 stores, most ...
原址:creepypastawikiacom/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Theory 分享30赞 龙腾网吧 马路上有纹钱 【龙腾★英国】叙利亚难民反应欧洲的“可耻” 分享35赞 billboard吧 淋淋无线黑 【Billboard】Toni Braxton的破产案尘埃落定RtIt seems like Toni Braxton has been in bankruptcy forever, but TMZ has learned she has ...