Gracie implied that she would share the clue with other cast members if Naomi didn’t give her information about another player ahead of the guess-off. The move backfired, as Naomi gave Gracie false information about Adam,
even though Adam had to write Ringwald’s name on his hand to remember it during the guess-off. Naomi’s allyHudgave Adam the intel after getting paranoid about Naomi having a clue for his celebrity relative, even though pulling and safeguarding each other’s clues was their alliance...
I believed the bomb data myself until a couple of weeks ago when I was pressed into coming up with reasons why it had to be false. Its no major disaster. The Bern model is still crap and can be falsified on a number of grounds. Just that 14C ain’t one of them. 0 ...
In stiffly worded letters sent to the other companies, FatWallet's attorneys said that false claims of copyright made the retailers liable for damages. "Sanctions for perjury may also be applicable, as well as penalties for violations of the ethical canons governing attorneys," the letters said....
I wonder if they considered soot deposition on snow. Probably not. They go straight to the industrial revolution. What’s ironic is that without the industrial revolution and fossil fuels, they wouldn’t be able to fly there in helicopters (see video below) to measure and complain ...
if a disaster doesn't happen over the first few months of prepping, the Prepper Procrastinator will be lured into a false sense of security and put off getting their plan, skills and tools together, falsely believing that since nothing has happened yet, they still have plenty of time....
- which show the latest and greatest planes and ships from the major nations- very, very interesting stuff- a few years ago I was talking with a friend of a friend- a retired navy officer- he said that the American military has some fantastic technology that the public has no clue about...