The High Court (in a judgement delivered on 3 October 2011)dismissedoneclaimbutallowedtheother in part with the result that the Annex to the Guidance was slightly revised to be clearer that hooding of detainees by foreign states in any circumstances could constitute Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading ...
Expense Advancemeans a payment to Indemnitee pursuant to Section 3 of Expenses in advance of the settlement of or final judgement in any action, suit, proceeding or alternative dispute resolution mechanism, hearing, inquiry or investigation which constitutes a Claim. ...
Iftheclaimisupheldincourt, the OC may enforce the judgement by various means, including the registration of charges against the owner’s interest in the Land Registry. 另外,業主立案法團也 可 循民事訴訟程 序控告 業主;如法庭認為業主立案法團的申索合理,業主立案法團可...
In the debate we provided an alternative explanation for HSM forming an early cluster: It did host one of the first cases, but that was a result of the fact Wuhan CDC was moving just next to the market during the months before the outbreak, creating plenty of opportunities for a leak thr...
and the judgement makes no reference to payment of [...] 据缔约国说,庭审记录没有确定对损害索赔是否作 出判决,判决没有提到向提交人支付损害赔偿一事,因此必须认定法院已将其转 交民事诉讼。 ...
First, the buyer implicitly or explicitly lets the seller know how the products will be used and therefore relies on the seller’s judgement or skill. Second, the seller must usually have these products in their store. Merchantable quality means that the goods are of a quality that would make...
I realize I tend to come across as a bit blunt / crass, but I'm responding purely focused on concerns themselves. No ill-will or judgement towards any project contributors or maintainers. I maintain projects myself, these issues with docs aren't uncommon to miss updating as things change,...
But ultimately,they are grounded in emotion.Philosophers have argued over this claim for a quarter of millennium without(1) C.Time's up!Now scientists armed with brain scanners are stepping in to settle the matter.Though reason can shape moral judgement,emotion is often(2) D...
There are also concerns that people will forget that data-led decisions still involve interpretation and judgement, and make poor decisions as a result (Crawford 2013). As American statistician and writer, Nate Silver argues, 'Data-driven predictions can succeed – and they can fail…Unless we ...
The Court also stated that the trial court can consider the amount of settlement as a post-judgement offset. The dissent argued that the question of whether to apply CCD or EPC was not raised at the trial court or the Second District Court and so, the issue should not have been addressed...