In September 2023, an ongoing mpox outbreak emerged in South Kivu (DRC) which spread to other regions and countries. We describe the epidemiological and genomic evolution of the outbreak between September 2023 and June 2024. Samples were collected from hospitalized patients, along with data on ...
猴痘病毒(Mpox virus,MPXV),是一种有包膜的双链DNA病毒,属于痘病毒科、正痘病毒属的成员,1958年首次分离自发热的猕猴体内,1970年在刚果首次报道感染人感染病例。2021年之前,猴痘病毒主要流行区域一直局限于中非和西非国家,这些地区偶发的猴痘疫情通常与感染动物的直接接触有关。 WHO提示Clade I分支已经演化出Clade I...
猴痘病毒(Mpox virus,MPXV),是一种有包膜的双链DNA病毒,属于痘病毒科、正痘病毒属的成员,1958年首次分离自发热的猕猴体内,1970年在刚过首次报道感染人感染病例。2021年之前,猴痘病毒主要流行区域一直局限于中非和西非国家,这些地区偶发的猴痘疫情通常与感染动物的直接接触有关。 WHO提示Clade I分支已经演化出Clade ...
in a large number of mpox clade I cases in the United States,” the statement said. “Additionally, in Sweden, Thailand, Germany, and India there was no apparent onward spread of the virus and the onward spread in the United Kingdom has been limited to close, household contacts so far....
The newly introduced Novaplex™ MPXV/OPXV plus Assay (RUO) is designed to detect 3 targets causing mpox disease: non-variola Orthopoxvirus (OPXV) and monkeypox virus (MPXV) with specific confirmation of MPXV Clade I. MPXV Clade I is associated with higher...
Schuele L Masirika LM Udahemuka JC Siangoli FB Mbiribindi JB Ndishimye P Aarestrup FM Koopmans M Oude Munnink BB Molenkamp R GREATLIFE MPOX group Collaborators MESH Humans DNA, Viral Monkeypox virus Mpox, Monkeypox Phylogeny Real-Time Polymerase Chain R...
Variola virus (VARV), the etiological agent of smallpox, had enormous impacts on global health prior to its eradication. In the absence of global vaccination programs, mpox virus (MPXV) has become a growing public health threat that includes endemic and nonendemic regions across the globe. Wh...
最近,刚果民主共和国发现了一种新的更致命的 mpox 病毒株——clade I变异株,并以惊人的速度传播。 猴痘的clade I变异株具有更严重的临床结局和更高的病例死亡率。最近确认的clade Ib变异株表现出通过密切接触传播能力增强的特性,导致病例增多,特别是在中非,对儿童和家庭的影响尤为显著。根据世界卫生组织的说法,clad...
猴痘病毒(Mpox virus,MPXV),是一种有包膜的双链DNA病毒,属于痘病毒科、正痘病毒属的成员,1958年首次分离自发热的猕猴体内,1970年在刚果首次报道感染人感染病例。2021年之前,猴痘病毒主要流行区域一直局限于中非和西非国家,这些地区偶发的猴痘疫情通常与感染动物的直接接触有关。