CLA-2A Stereo—双通道压缩器,两个通道共用一个探测器。 CLA-2A Mono—单通道压缩器。 第二章 快速上手指南 CLA-2A提供了两个主要的调整压缩的控制项,以及一些精细调整的控制项。 - 使用Compress/Limiter切换器,选择使用压缩器(大约3:1的压缩比)或者限制器(大约100:1的压缩比)。 - 使用峰值衰减(Peak Redu...
Waves CLA-2A插件用户指南说明书 WAVES CLA-2A User Guide
[Dynamics - Compressor / Limiter (Optical) - Emulation] (Physical Modeling Effect) CLA-2A Stereo CLA-2A Stereo CLA-2A Stereo [Physical Modelbased on theTeletronix LA-2A Leveling Amplifier (Ea...
Compressor CLA MixDown Greg Wells MixCentric L3-16 Multimaximizer Dorrough Stereo V-EQ4 V-Comp Dorrough Surround Linear Phase EQ MaxxVolume Cobalt Saphira V-EQ3 Q-Clone L360 Surround Limiter L3-LL Ultramaximizer L3 Ultramaximizer CLA-2A Compressor / Limiter SSL G-Master Buss Compressor CLA-...
均衡SSL X-EQ Stereo(0) WinRAR(0) Ubuntu 18.04(0) SAM机架连线图(0) SAM效果包(0) ENFI下载器(0) 视频播放器(0) R3混响器(0) PotPlayer(0) Ultrafunk R3混响器(0) TC native reverb 3(0) TC native(0) OneKey(0) TC native reverb(0) Sam Pro v12机架(0) Revolution 2×2声卡驱动官方下...
均衡SSL X-EQ Stereo(0) WinRAR(0) Ubuntu 18.04(0) SAM机架连线图(0) SAM效果包(0) ENFI下载器(0) 视频播放器(0) R3混响器(0) PotPlayer(0) Ultrafunk R3混响器(0) TC native reverb 3(0) TC native(0) OneKey(0) TC native reverb(0) Sam Pro v12机架(0) Revolution 2×2声卡驱动官方下...
Top 5 Affordable Stereo Imagers — Sage Audio Dec 22, 2020 · The Waves CLA-76 VST plugin …. I tested it on a couple of systems and the Zip file works as expected. … Cla Vocals Plugin Crack 99e74dbacb. … Previous Post Waves all Plugins Bundle crack.. Here are the top 50 free...
Embellish your vocals with a lush stereo image, thanks to three chorusing options. Choose mild modulation, spacious stereo imaging, or chorusing that’s similar to tightly double-tracked vocals. Easy to Tweak, Even Easier with Presets It’s easy to dial up sounds with CLA vocals, and you’...
Mono and stereo components Controls Gain - 0 to 100 Peak Reduction - 0 to 100 Compressor Mode - compressor, limiter HF Freq - 0 to 100 Analog - off, 50 Hz, 60 Hz VU Display - input, gain reduction, output Waves CLA-2ASpecs
S-400 II Stereo Amplifier(立体声功率放大器) VTL的Reference(参考系列)在三十多年的真空管放大器领域内,一直稳固保持着世界领先者的地位。无论从难以置信的超大功率、多种人性化的先进专利技术、顶级的电路设计、最高级别的零部件应用、饱受赞誉的“家族声”调校、经典与时尚相融合的外观等各方面,都在定义着何为...