SAP example programm - BCALV_GRID_06 If i select "Copy Text" then it selects whole the line to clipbord. In the follwing picture - Requirement is to select only e.g. "Flight Date" not the whole line record. Done by adding new function to the menu - By addding a function ...
But in this example they manipulate the ALV Grid class and enhance the ALV Grid by a subclass and implement the functionality in the subclass itself so that you can use it in your program. Maybe you can try it with the example coding. But it also says that there are limitations in ...
When I select one row of the first alv grid that the content of grid two is changing. How can I archieve this? If I select one row in the first alv grid no action is triggered!? How can I trigger here an action or what event should I use? Example? regardsReply All...
Example colum A colum B 10 100 20 200 30 300 Any Idea Thanks Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Former Member 2008 Jul 09 9:43 AM 0 Kudos 104 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development HI You need to refill the internal table which you are passing and call method refresh to refresh the ...