cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table report ztest16. tables: sflight. data:gt_sflight like table of sflight with header line. data:lt_alv_cat type table of lvc_s_fcat, ls_alv_cat like line of lt_alv_cat. data:i_layout_lvc type lvc_s_layo . data:ref_itab type ref to d...
Basic pricipal would be, we need to fill the field catalog table and pass it to static method CREATE_DYNAMIC_TABLE from class CL_ALV_TABLE_CREATE. We will use the same example as the reference in the postDynamic Internal Table Creation. Here is the code snippet: *&---* *& Report ZTE...
I searched several SAP notes for "CL_ALV_TABLE_CREATE === CP" "GENERATE_SUBPOOL_DIR_FULL" , but only notes found "548227 ABAP short dump when setting the processing indicator", "560983 ABAP short dump when you double -click on an alert "," 656659 Termination with freq. refreshing of ...