GPT2 cl100k - base英文分词模型是用于英文文本切分的重要工具。 此模型在自然语言处理领域对英文分词工作有显著作用。它基于先进算法构建,能有效处理各类英文文本。模型具备高精度的英文词汇识别能力。可将连续的英文句子准确分割成一个个单词或词块。对不同风格英文材料,如新闻、小说等都能适应。对于长难英文句子的...
根据警告信息,当主模型找不到时,系统默认使用了cl100k_base编码。 如果您了解cl100k_base编码的适用性,并且认为它对于您的任务是合适的,那么您可以继续使用它。 如果您不确定,可能需要进一步调查cl100k_base编码的特性和适用性,或者尝试找到并加载原始指定的模型。 更新代码或配置: 如果经过上述步骤后确定模型确实不...
This project implements token calculation for OpenAI's gpt-4 and gpt-3.5-turbo model, specifically using `cl100k_base` encoding. encodingaicsharptokensopenaigpt4chatgptlangchaintiktokengpt35turbocl100kbasetiktoken-sharpp50kbaselangchain-dotnet ...
add tiktoken/cl100k_base.tiktoken /root/.cache/tiktoken/9b5ad71b2ce5302211f9c61530b329a4922fc6a4 env TIKTOKEN_CACHE_DIR=/root/.cache/tiktoken add graphrag graphrag add template template add template_zh template_zh 100,256 changes: 100,256 additions & 0 deletions 100,256 tiktoken/cl10...
图1是 GPT-4o 词表里面最长的中文词,图2是双字中文词,图3是 GPT-4o 把 “给主人留下些什么吧” 当作一个 token,认为是夸奖的意思。图4是比较正常的 GPT-4 词表(cl100k_base),虽然 tokenizer 对中文不太友好,中文占用 token 数较多,但至少没有太多奇奇怪怪的 token。
one-api 在使用Docker进行离线部署时,总是访问下载cl100k_base.tiktoken,因为要统计进出请求的token,...
importtiktokendefget_token_num(txt:str):encoding=tiktoken.get_encoding('cl100k_base')token=encoding.encode(txt)returnlen(token)print(get_token_num('hello world'))# output : 2 error output: $ pyarmor gen --pack onefile INFO Python 3.9.19 INFO Pyarmor 8.5.8 (group), 006279, jfh...
I noticed that some users would like to get a comparison of efficiency. Here, I use SharpToken as the basic comparison, with the encoder cl100k_base, on the .Net 6.0 in Debug mode. TiktokenSharp Version: 1.1.0 SharpToken Version: 2.0.1 ...
I have tried everything, OpenRouter and OpenAI cause this no matter what, I have no idea Looks like your tiktoken registry doesn't know the encodingcl100k_baseforgpt-3.5-turbo. Similar to this issue over hereopenai/tiktoken#80. As you are the very first person with this problem I expec...
package tiktoken import ( _ "embed" "strings" ) //go:embed resource/cl100k_base.tiktoken var cl100kBase string // NewCL100kBase creates a new Codec instance for the cl100k_base tokenization scheme. // It loads the mergeable ranks from the embedded cl100kBase resource. // The function...