针对你遇到的错误信息“max retries exceeded with url: /encodings/cl100k_base.tiktoken”,这里有几个可能的解决步骤和考虑因素: 分析错误信息: 错误表明在尝试从URL /encodings/cl100k_base.tiktoken 获取数据时,连接尝试超过了最大重试次数。 这通常是由于网络问题、服务器响应超时或URL不正确导致的。 检查网络...
env TIKTOKEN_CACHE_DIR=/root/.cache/tiktoken 21+ 1922 add graphrag graphrag 2023 add template template 2124 add template_zh template_zh tiktoken/cl100k_base.tiktoken +100,256 Load DiffLarge diffs are not rendered by default. 0commit comments ...
encodingaicsharptokensopenaigpt4chatgptlangchaintiktokengpt35turbocl100kbasetiktoken-sharpp50kbaselangchain-dotnet UpdatedMar 17, 2025 C# PHP port for openai/tiktoken (most) tokenizergpt-4tiktokengpt35turbocl100kbase UpdatedAug 25, 2024 PHP ...
one-api 在使用Docker进行离线部署时,总是访问下载cl100k_base.tiktoken,因为要统计进出请求的token,...
Describe the bug Tiktoken (https://github.com/openai/tiktoken/blob/3e8620030c68d2fd6d4ec6d38426e7a1983661f5/tiktoken/model.py#L14) shows ChatGPT's API, gpt-3.5-turbo, tiktoken encoder to be cl100k_base; however, when using the openai pac...
cl100k_base r50k_base p50k_base p50k_edit Usage usingTiktoken;varencoder=ModelToEncoder.For("gpt-4o");// or explicitly using new Encoder(new O200KBase())vartokens=encoder.Encode("hello world");// [15339, 1917]vartext=encoder.Decode(tokens);// hello worldvarnumberOfTokens=encoder.Count...
package tiktoken import ( _ "embed" "strings" ) //go:embed resource/cl100k_base.tiktoken var cl100kBase string // NewCL100kBase creates a new Codec instance for the cl100k_base tokenization scheme. // It loads the mergeable ranks from the embedded cl100kBase resource. // The function...
importtiktokendefget_token_num(txt:str):encoding=tiktoken.get_encoding('cl100k_base')token=encoding.encode(txt)returnlen(token)print(get_token_num('hello world'))# output : 2 error output: $ pyarmor gen --pack onefile test.py INFO Python 3.9.19 INFO Pyarmor 8.5.8 (group), 006279, jfh...
privateGptEncoding_sharpToken=GptEncoding.GetEncoding("cl100k_base");privateTikToken_tikToken=TikToken.GetEncoding("cl100k_base");privatestring_kLongText="King Lear, one of Shakespeare's darkest and most savage plays, tells the story of the foolish and Job-like Lear, who divides his kingdom,...
Looks like your tiktoken registry doesn't know the encodingcl100k_baseforgpt-3.5-turbo. Similar to this issue over hereopenai/tiktoken#80. As you are the very first person with this problem I expect there to be a specific issue with your system somehow... But I have no clue what it ...