cl_image_format;cl_memclCreateImage2D(cl_contextcontext,cl_mem_flagsflags,// 与内存对象创建一样的标记值constcl_image_format*image_format,// 图像格式size_timage_width,// 图像宽度size_timage_height,// 图像高度size_timage_row_pitch,// 一行像素数据的字节长度,当host_ptr不为NULL时用到void*ho...
clCreateImage2D() always returns -10 (CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED) Subscribe More actions javedrabbani Beginner 12-15-2011 07:18 AM 2,857 Views Hi All,I have used clCreateBuffer() with success but when I try to use clCreateImage2D(), it always retur...
cl_mem clCreateImage(cl_context context, cl_mem_flags flags, const cl_image_format *image_format, const cl_image_desc *image_desc, void *host_ptr, cl_int *errcode_ret) 功能描述:创建指定格式、类型、尺寸的图像。参数说明:- context[IN] :为 context 对象分配 Image 对象。- flags[IN] :指...
clCreateImage2D() always returns -10 (CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED) Subscribe More actions javedrabbani Beginner 12-15-2011 07:18 AM 2,838 Views Hi All,I have used clCreateBuffer() with success but when I try to use clCreateImage2D(), it always return...
CreateHotpatchableImage 可选的布尔参数。 如果为true,则告知编译器准备用于热修补的映像。 此参数确保每个函数的第一个指令为两个字节,这是进行热修补所要求的。 有关详细信息,请参阅/hotpatch(创建可热修补的映像)。 DebugInformationFormat 可选String 参数。
在OpenCL 中,使用clCreateImageWithProperties将 Vulkan 导出的外部内存作为图像内存导入。 // Create img of type cl_mem. Obtain fd/win32 or similar handle for external memory to be imported from other API. int fd = getFdForExternalMemory();// Set cl_image_format based on external image info ...
{ image_scaling }facecl_kernel; #define KERNEL_NAME(n) #n #define KERNEL_FILE_NAME(n) #n".cl" class facecl_context { cl::Context m_context; cl::ImageFormat m_gray_format; std::unordered_map<std::string,cl::Kernel> m_kernels; cl::CommandQueue m_command_queue; /* 初始化上下文(...
{@"value1":@1,@"value2":@1.618,@"titleFormat":@"%g:%g"}, @{@"value1":@2,@"value2":@3}, @{@"value1":@3,@"value2":@2}, ]; CLImageToolInfo *tool = [editor.toolInfosubToolInfoWithToolName:@"CLClippingTool"recursive:NO]; tool.optionalInfo[@"ratios"] = ratios; tool....
在OpenCL 中,使用clCreateImageWithProperties将 Vulkan 导出的外部内存作为图像内存导入。 // Create img of type cl_mem. Obtain fd/win32 or similar handle for external memory to be imported from other API. int fd = getFdForExternalMemory();// Set cl_image_format based on e...
pngload-fast - A PNG (Portable Network Graphics) image format decoder in portable Common Lisp with an emphasis on speed. MIT. imago - image manipulation library for Common Lisp. supports images in png, pcx, portable bitmap (.pnm), Truevision TGA (.tga) and jpeg formats allows for: res...