cl跟pl的英语单词cl When it comes to the English alphabet, "cl" and "pl" are two interesting letter combinations that give us some unique and diverse words. For "cl," you might think of words like "clap." It's such a simple yet powerful verb. You know, when you see a great ...
19. Blends _ cl, pl, gl _ Phonics Songs and Stories _ Learn to Read是自然拼读_ Letter Teams # Little Fox Letters and Sounds Phonics Songs and Stories的第19集视频,该合集共计22集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
A claw is a hard, sharp, curved nail on the feet of some animals. Bears, cats, birds, dinosaurs, and many other animals have claws. clay Potters make beautiful things out of clay, like mugs, plates, and bowls. clean When something is clean, it is not dirty. ...
n, pl -cae (-kiː) 1. (Zoology) a cavity in the pelvic region of most vertebrates, except higher mammals, and certain invertebrates, into which the alimentary canal and the genital and urinary ducts open 2. a sewer [C18: from Latin: sewer; related to Greek kluzein to wash out] ...
a. To shorten (a word or words) by leaving out letters or syllables. b. To enunciate with clarity and precision: clip one's words. 6. Informal To hit with a sharp blow: clipped me under the eye. 7. Football To block (an opponent) illegally from the rear. 8. Sports To hit or ...
第35集 Art Class (bl, cl和pl的正确发音) 2016-10-05 20:40:1902:13 602 所属专辑:少儿英语:7岁的苏珊娜讲Clifford故事 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 In this story, we are learning about the "bl", "cl" and "pl" sounds. Here are some words to sound out: bl: black, block, blue cl: class,...
第35集 Art Class (bl, cl和pl的正确发音) 2016-10-05 20:40:1902:13 602 所属专辑:少儿英语:7岁的苏珊娜讲Clifford故事 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 In this story, we are learning about the "bl", "cl" and "pl" sounds. Here are some words to sound out: bl: black, block, blue cl: class,...
Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs: CLConsonant Blends Page Missing Letter Printouts To subscribe to Enchanted Learning, click here. If you are already a site member, click here. Enchanted Learning Search Search the Enchanted Learning website for: ...
3Calams. (CL, This invention relates to combustion control, ( and is especially advantageous for furnaces using d fluid fuel or the like, such as gas, oil, or powdered coal. The invention permits of controlling f combustion fluid (whether fuel or air, or both) according to the quality or...
用故事法区分cl cr pl pr的发音微课 Let’stellthedifferencesof“cl\cr”and“pl\pr”教材版本:(PEP)人教版小学英语教学内容:五年级下册UnitOneMyday设计教师:广东省东莞市虎门镇沙角小学黎洁丽 LittleTadpolesFindMother LittleTadpolesFindMother clcrplpr Findouthow “clcrplpr”sound?YourmotherhastawboigbWmigo...