Again, the molecular identification of VDCC has been difficult because of the absence of identification of the cell line of VDCCs (endogenous VDCCs in table1). Various proteins are suspected to be molecular candidates for VDCCs. The three initial candidates, P-glycoprotein (P-gp) [59],...
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Crépisson C, Blanchard M, Bureau H, Sanloup C, Withers AC, Khodja H, Surblé S, Raepsaet C, Béneut K, Leroy C, Giura P, Balan E (2014) Clumped fluoride-hydroxyl defects in forsterite: implications for the upper-mantle. Earth Planet Sci Lett 390:287–295 Article Google Scholar ...
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Disruption of the Clathrin Heavy Chain-Like Gene (CLTCL) Associated with Features of DGS/VCFS: A Balanced (21;22)(p12;q11) Translocation Disruption of the clathrin heavy chain-like gene (CLTCL) associated with features of DGS/VCFS: a balanced (21;22)(p12;q11) translocation. Hum. Mol....
59 镨 Pr 140.907 65(2)60 钕 Nd 144.242(3)61 钷 Pm [145]62 钐 Sm 150.36(2)63 铕 Eu 151.964(1)64 钆 Gd 157.25(3)65 铽 Tb 158.925 35(2)66 镝 Dy 162.500(1)67 钬 Ho 164.930 32(2)68 铒 Er 167.259(3)69 铥 Tm 168.934 21(2)70 镱 Yb 173.04...
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