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[CL] Yard Sale Customers Wander Around the House","id":"message:11332281","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":19},"Conversation:conversation:11332281":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:11332281","solved":true,"topic":{"__ref":"ForumTopicMessage:message:11332281"},"lastPostin...
56m²2室1厅10638元/m²低层(共29层)2017年建造 瀚海爱特中心 [金水-普罗旺世 北三环,近信息学院路] 李慧珍 60万 郑州东站 交通便利 次新小区 精装可拎包入住 医疗配套成熟 47m²1室1厅15202元/m²低层(共28层)2021年建造 正商国际大厦 [金水-龙子湖大学城 七里河南路,近圃田西路] ...
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Sims rejoice! Yard sale customers will no longer invade their Home Lots and use Household objects. It is a Yard Sale… OUT in the yard, not an Open... - 11332300