Using the maruchikuromu filter, the three-dimensional picture with the color record and eyesight method in order to doThe aim of the invention is to create techniques for the encoding, production and viewing of stereograms, supplemented by methods for selecting certain optical filters needed in ...
maikuroionbi - mu process manner 专利名称:maikuroionbi - mu process manner 发明人:山口 博司,嶋瀬 朗,原市 聰,宮内 建興 申请号:JP特願平4-154732 申请日:19831226 公开号:JP第2529057号B2 公开日:19960828 专利内容由知识产权出版社提供 摘要:Array 申请人:株式会社日立製作所 地址:東京都...
《Buffalo Soldier (feat. 熊八, KUROCODAiLL, MUROZO, 込紙JCT, 輪入道, DAIGO & GIMMIE)》是日本歌手DAIGO参与演唱的多艺人合作歌曲,收录于专辑《革醒-KAKUSEI-》中。该曲以嘻哈/说唱为基调,由FReECOol作曲,RAIZEN、熊八等八位音乐人共同创作歌词,展现了多元化的音乐风格碰撞。歌曲时长5分19秒,通过数字平...
Targeting mitochondria, the invention relates to cytochrome c- reporter fusion protein construct comprising a modified cytochrome c protein inducing apoptosis in living cells was reduced. The present invention also, I also relates to cells that were stably transfected with such constructs and nucleic ...
Protein fixation electrode and its production manner and shitokuromu c552, thatPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a protein-immobilized electrode enabling stable use over a long period wherein highly stable cytochrome c552 is immobilized on a chemically stable gold electrode while the electron transport...
This invention being the method of detecting shitokuromu c in the biological sample of given, to be the process which adds two retsudokusu opposites of the effective quantity which makes the oxidation restoration of repetition of shitokuromu c possible to the said sample, the said opposite, ...
huitokuromu adjustment type copying factor in order to control the growth of the high plantThe present invention involves the isolation and characterization of the first discovered phytochrome-regulated transcriptional factor, a protein designated CCA1 which binds to the promoter region of the ...
(57)< Abstract > This invention has electron transport talent, regards the method of featuring that this haemoprotein is produced with Pseudomonas putida in the rearrangement method in order to produce the haemoprotein which includes the arrangement of shitokuromu C green pus germ (Pseudomonas ...
Method and composition null pantopurazoru - 13 C which appraise shitokuromu P4502C19The present invention generally by by breath to determine the relative amount of CO the subject is discharged when administered orally or intravenously administered C-labeled cytochrome P450 2C19 isozymes (CYP2C19) ...